withSuggestedFilename method

Future<DownloadTask> withSuggestedFilename({
  1. dynamic unique = false,
  2. Future<DownloadTask> taskWithFilenameBuilder(
    1. DownloadTask task,
    2. Map<String, String> headers,
    3. bool unique
    ) = taskWithSuggestedFilename,

Returns a copy of the task with the Task.filename property changed to the filename suggested by the server, or derived from the url, or unchanged.

If unique is true, the filename is guaranteed not to already exist. This is accomplished by adding a suffix to the suggested filename with a number, e.g. "data (2).txt" If a taskWithFilenameBuilder is supplied, this is the function called to convert the task, response headers and unique values into a new DownloadTask with the suggested filename. By default, taskWithSuggestedFilename is used, which parses the Content-Disposition according to RFC6266, or takes the last path segment of the URL, or leaves the filename unchanged

The suggested filename is obtained by making a HEAD request to the url represented by the DownloadTask, including urlQueryParameters and headers


Future<DownloadTask> withSuggestedFilename(
    {unique = false,
    Future<DownloadTask> Function(
            DownloadTask task, Map<String, String> headers, bool unique)
        taskWithFilenameBuilder = taskWithSuggestedFilename}) async {
  try {
    final response = await DesktopDownloader.httpClient
        .head(Uri.parse(url), headers: headers);
    if ([200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206].contains(response.statusCode)) {
      return taskWithFilenameBuilder(this, response.headers, unique);
  } catch (e) {
    _log.finer('Error connecting to server');
  return taskWithFilenameBuilder(this, {}, unique);