getOpenInterestPeriodic method

void getOpenInterestPeriodic({
  1. required String symbol,
  2. required String interval,
  3. int? limit,
  4. required Duration period,

Gets the total amount of unsettled contracts periodically. In other words, get the total number of contracts held in open positions every period.

period must be one of the followin strings : '5min', '15min', '30min', '1h', '4h', '1d'


void getOpenInterestPeriodic(
    {required String symbol,
    required String interval,
    int? limit,
    required Duration period}) {
  streamGroup!.add(Stream.periodic(period, (_) {
    return getOpenInterest(symbol: symbol, interval: interval, limit: limit);
  }).asyncMap((event) async => await event));