singleWhereOrDefault method

T singleWhereOrDefault(
  1. bool condition(
    1. T element
    ), {
  2. required T defaultValue,

Returns the single element in the iterable matching a condition, or a defaultValue if no such element exists.

Iterates over the entire iterable, applying the condition function to each element. At the end of the iteration, if only a single element matches the condition, that element is returned. If no elements match the condition, the value specified by defaultValue is returned instead. If more than one element matches the condition, a StateError is thrown.

This method will short-circuit after finding a second element that matches the condition. In the worst-case scenario, this method will iterate over the entire iterable.


void main() {
  final list = [1, 2, 3];
  final result = list.singleWhereOrDefault((x) => x == 4, defaultValue: -1);

  // Result: -1


T singleWhereOrDefault(bool Function(T element) condition,
    {required T defaultValue}) {
  final iter = iterator;
  if (!iter.moveNext()) return defaultValue;

  T? val;
  var found = false;
  do {
    if (condition(iter.current)) {
      if (!found) {
        val = iter.current;
        found = true;
      } else {
        throw StateError(
            'The iterable has more than one element matching the condition.');
  } while (iter.moveNext());

  if (!found) return defaultValue;
  return val!;