zip<TOther, TResult> method

Iterable<TResult> zip<TOther, TResult>(
  1. Iterable<TOther> other,
  2. TResult selector(
    1. T element,
    2. TOther otherElement

Combines the values of the iterable and another collection into an iterable of new values.

During iteration, each element in the iterable is passed to the selector function along with the element in the given other collection at the corresponding position. The returned value of the selector function is then returned. If either the iterable's or the other collection's iteration reaches the end of its elements, iteration is stopped.

The length of the resulting iterable will be equal to the lesser of the lengths of the source iterable or the given other collection.


void main() {
  var listA = [1, 2, 3, 4];
  var listB = [5.0, 6.0, 7.0];
  var result =, (a, b) => '$a: $b');

  // Result: [ '1: 5.0', '2: 6.0', '7: 7.0' ]


Iterable<TResult> zip<TOther, TResult>(
  Iterable<TOther> other,
  TResult Function(T element, TOther otherElement) selector,
) sync* {
  final sourceIterator = iterator;
  final otherIterator = other.iterator;

  while (sourceIterator.moveNext() && otherIterator.moveNext()) {
    yield selector(sourceIterator.current, otherIterator.current);