getRange method

Layout getRange(
  1. int start,
  2. int? end, {
  3. int step = 1,
  4. int axis = 0,

Returns an updated layout with the given axis sliced to the range between start and end (exclusive).


Layout getRange(int start, int? end, {int step = 1, int axis = 0}) {
  final axis_ = checkIndex(axis, rank, 'axis');
  final start_ = checkStart(start, shape[axis_], 'start');
  final end_ = checkEnd(start_, end, shape[axis_], 'end');
  final step_ = checkStep(step, 'step');
  final rangeLength = (end_ - start_) ~/ step_;
  return Layout(
    shape: [...shape.take(axis_), rangeLength, ...shape.skip(axis_ + 1)],
    strides: [
      step_ * strides[axis_],
      ...strides.skip(axis_ + 1),
    offset: offset + start_ * strides[axis_],