secondaryBuilder property

SplitButtonSecondaryBuilder? secondaryBuilder

The secondary widget to be displayed. If not provided, the default chevron down icon is displayed.


  child: Text('Split Button'),
  // invoke [showFlyout] to show the flyout, or use the flyoutController
  // to display a flyout with custom options
  secondaryBuilder: (context, showFlyout, flyoutController) {
    return IconButton(
      icon: const ChevronDown(),
      onPressed: showFlyout,
  flyout: Container(
    width: 200,
    height: 200,
    color: Colors.white,

See also:

  • ChevronDown, the default icon used
  • flyout, the widget to be displayed when the flyout is requested


final SplitButtonSecondaryBuilder? secondaryBuilder;