Flutter library to print objects to console with colors


  • colors support

Getting started

TODO: List prerequisites and provide or point to information on how to start using the package.


Import package

import 'colored_print/flutter_colored_print.dart' as c_l;

Use it to print anything

Use log method to control type as LogType and color as LogColor

c_l.log("This is test colored log to console" ,type: LogType.info , color: LogColor.cyan);


[Info] This is test colored log to console

If you set allColored to true (as default) whole message will colored

set allColored to false

c_l.log("This is test colored log to console" ,type: LogType.info , color: LogColor.blue , allColored:false);


[Info] This is test colored log to console

Or use typed methods

c_l.error("This is error");

c_l.info("This is info");

c_l.warn("This is warning");

c_l.primary("This is primary");

[Error] This is error

[Info] This is info

[Warning] This is warning

[Primary] This is primary

Colored output
