move method

  1. @override
bool move(
  1. LatLng center,
  2. double zoom, {
  3. Offset offset =,
  4. String? id,

Moves and zooms the map to a center and zoom level

offset allows a screen-based offset (in normal logical pixels) to be applied to the center from the map's view center. For example, Offset(100, 100) will move the intended new center 100px down & 100px right, and the actual center will become 100px up & 100px left.

id is an internally meaningless attribute, but it is passed through to the emitted MapEventMove.

The emitted MapEventMove.source property will be MapEventSource.mapController.

Returns true and emits a MapEventMove event (which can be listed to through MapEventCallbacks, such as MapOptions.onMapEvent), unless the move failed because (after adjustment when necessary):


bool move(
  LatLng center,
  double zoom, {
  Offset offset =,
  String? id,
}) =>
      offset: offset,
      hasGesture: false,
      source: MapEventSource.mapController,
      id: id,