applyPointerTranslucencyToLayers property

  1. @Deprecated('If necessary, manually wrap layers with `TransulcentPointer` widgets. ' 'This parameter will be removed as proper hit detection has now been incorporated into both `PolygonLayer` & `PolylineLayer`, which reduces the need for this workaround, and because it caused issues in some cases. More information about hit detection & interactivity rules can be found in the online documentation. ' 'The default of this parameter is now `false` and will use the rules above - the option is retained so as not to break APIs. ' 'This feature was deprecated (and the default changed) after v7.')
bool applyPointerTranslucencyToLayers


If necessary, manually wrap layers with TransulcentPointer widgets.

This parameter will be removed as proper hit detection has now been incorporated into both PolygonLayer & PolylineLayer, which reduces the need for this workaround, and because it caused issues in some cases. More information about hit detection & interactivity rules can be found in the online documentation.

The default of this parameter is now false and will use the rules above; the option is retained so as not to break APIs.

This feature was deprecated (and the default changed) after v7.

Whether to apply pointer translucency to all layers automatically

This will mean that each layer can handle all the gestures that enter the map themselves. Without this, only the top layer may handle gestures.

Note that layers that are visually obscured behind another layer will receive events, if this is enabled.

Technically, layers become invisible to the parent Stack when hit testing (and thus Stack will keep bubbling gestures down all layers), but will still allow their subtree to receive pointer events.

If this is false (defaults to false), then TranslucentPointer may be manually applied to individual layers.


  'If necessary, manually wrap layers with `TransulcentPointer` widgets. '
  'This parameter will be removed as proper hit detection has now been incorporated into both `PolygonLayer` & `PolylineLayer`, which reduces the need for this workaround, and because it caused issues in some cases. More information about hit detection & interactivity rules can be found in the online documentation. '
  'The default of this parameter is now `false` and will use the rules above - the option is retained so as not to break APIs. '
  'This feature was deprecated (and the default changed) after v7.',
final bool applyPointerTranslucencyToLayers;