Dart_RegisterKernelBlobCallback typedef

Dart_RegisterKernelBlobCallback = Pointer<NativeFunction<Pointer<Char> Function(Pointer<Uint8> kernel_buffer, IntPtr kernel_buffer_size)>>

Optional callback provided by the embedder that is used by the VM to implement registration of kernel blobs for the subsequent Isolate.spawnUri If no callback is provided, the registration of kernel blobs will throw an error.

\param kernel_buffer A buffer which contains a kernel program. Callback should copy the contents of kernel_buffer as it may be freed immediately after registration. \param kernel_buffer_size The size of kernel_buffer.

\return A C string representing URI which can be later used to spawn a new isolate. This C String should be scope allocated or owned by the embedder. Returns NULL if embedder runs out of memory.


typedef Dart_RegisterKernelBlobCallback = ffi.Pointer<ffi.NativeFunction<ffi.Pointer<ffi.Char> Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Uint8> kernel_buffer, ffi.IntPtr kernel_buffer_size)>>;