foldLeftWithIndex<A> method

A Function(A initial, A fun(A acc, V value, int index)) foldLeftWithIndex<A>(
  1. Order<K> order

Apply fun to all the values of this Map sorted based on order on their key, passing also the current index of the iteration, and return the result of combining all the intermediate values.


A Function(A initial, A Function(A acc, V value, int index) fun)
    foldLeftWithIndex<A>(Order<K> order) =>
        (A initial, A Function(A acc, V value, int index) fun) {
          final sorted = toIterable(order);
          var result = initial;
          var i = 0;
          for (final item in sorted) {
            result = fun(result, item.value, i);
            i += 1;
          return result;