deleteDirectory method

Future<bool> deleteDirectory(
  1. String sDirectory

Deletes the Directory with the Name of sDirectory in the current directory.

Returns true if the directory was deleted successfully Returns false if the directory could not be deleted or does not nexist THIS USEFUL TO DELETE NON EMPTY DIRECTORY


Future<bool> deleteDirectory(String sDirectory) async {
  String currentDir = await this.currentDirectory();
  if (!await this.changeDirectory(sDirectory)) {
    throw FTPConnectException("Couldn't change directory to $sDirectory");
  List<FTPEntry> dirContent = await this.listDirectoryContent();
  await Future.forEach(dirContent, (FTPEntry entry) async {
    if (entry.type == FTPEntryType.FILE) {
      if (!await deleteFile( {
        throw FTPConnectException("Couldn't delete file ${}");
    } else {
      if (!await deleteDirectory( {
        throw FTPConnectException("Couldn't delete folder ${}");
  await this.changeDirectory(currentDir);
  return await deleteEmptyDirectory(sDirectory);