payload property

String? payload
getter/setter pair

The payload for the command, provide it only if command supports it.

The following commands support adding payload: * SET_VOLUME: Payload is a stringified JSON object in the form: { "volume": 50 }. The volume has to be an integer in the range [0,100]. * DEVICE_START_CRD_SESSION: Payload is optionally a stringified JSON object in the form: { "ackedUserPresence": true }. ackedUserPresence is a boolean. By default, ackedUserPresence is set to false. To start a Chrome Remote Desktop session for an active device, set ackedUserPresence to true. * REBOOT: Payload is a stringified JSON object in the form: { "user_session_delay_seconds": 300 }. The delay has to be in the range [0, 300]. * FETCH_SUPPORT_PACKET: Payload is optionally a stringified JSON object in the form: {"supportPacketDetails":{ "issueCaseId": optional_support_case_id_string, "issueDescription": optional_issue_description_string, "requestedDataCollectors": []}} The list of available data_collector_enums are as following: Chrome System Information (1), Crash IDs (2), Memory Details (3), UI Hierarchy (4), Additional ChromeOS Platform Logs (5), Device Event (6), Intel WiFi NICs Debug Dump (7), Touch Events (8), Lacros (9), Lacros System Information (10), ChromeOS Flex Logs (11), DBus Details (12), ChromeOS Network Routes (13), ChromeOS Shill (Connection Manager) Logs (14), Policies (15), ChromeOS System State and Logs (16), ChromeOS System Logs (17), ChromeOS Chrome User Logs (18), ChromeOS Bluetooth (19), ChromeOS Connected Input Devices (20), ChromeOS Traffic Counters (21), ChromeOS Virtual Keyboard (22), ChromeOS Network Health (23). See more details in help article.


core.String? payload;