operator property

String? operator
getter/setter pair

The operator to use to match the dimension with the expressions. Possible string values are:

  • "OPERATOR_UNSPECIFIED" : If the match type is unspecified, it is treated as a REGEXP.
  • "REGEXP" : The match expression is treated as a regular expression. All other match types are not treated as regular expressions.
  • "BEGINS_WITH" : Matches the values which begin with the match expression provided.
  • "ENDS_WITH" : Matches the values which end with the match expression provided.
  • "PARTIAL" : Substring match.
  • "EXACT" : The value should match the match expression entirely.
  • "IN_LIST" : This option is used to specify a dimension filter whose expression can take any value from a selected list of values. This helps avoiding evaluating multiple exact match dimension filters which are OR'ed for every single response row. For example: expressions: ["A", "B", "C"] Any response row whose dimension has it is value as A, B or C, matches this DimensionFilter.
  • "NUMERIC_LESS_THAN" : Integer comparison filters. case sensitivity is ignored for these and the expression is assumed to be a string representing an integer. Failure conditions: - if expression is not a valid int64, the client should expect an error. - input dimensions that are not valid int64 values will never match the filter. Checks if the dimension is numerically less than the match expression.
  • "NUMERIC_GREATER_THAN" : Checks if the dimension is numerically greater than the match expression.
  • "NUMERIC_BETWEEN" : Checks if the dimension is numerically between the minimum and maximum of the match expression, boundaries excluded.


core.String? operator;