IPAddress property

String? IPAddress
getter/setter pair

IP address for which this forwarding rule accepts traffic.

When a client sends traffic to this IP address, the forwarding rule directs the traffic to the referenced target or backendService. While creating a forwarding rule, specifying an IPAddress is required under the following circumstances: - When the target is set to targetGrpcProxy and validateForProxyless is set to true, the IPAddress should be set to - When the target is a Private Service Connect Google APIs bundle, you must specify an IPAddress. Otherwise, you can optionally specify an IP address that references an existing static (reserved) IP address resource. When omitted, Google Cloud assigns an ephemeral IP address. Use one of the following formats to specify an IP address while creating a forwarding rule: * IP address number, as in * IPv6 address range, as in 2600:1234::/96 * Full resource URL, as in https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/ project_id/regions/region/addresses/address-name * Partial URL or by name, as in: - projects/project_id/regions/region/addresses/address-name - regions/region/addresses/address-name - global/addresses/address-name - address-name The forwarding rule's target or backendService, and in most cases, also the loadBalancingScheme, determine the type of IP address that you can use. For detailed information, see IP address specifications. When reading an IPAddress, the API always returns the IP address number.


core.String? IPAddress;