healthChecks property

List<String>? healthChecks
getter/setter pair

A list of URLs to the HealthCheck resources.

Must have at least one HealthCheck, and not more than 10 for regional HealthCheckService, and not more than 1 for global HealthCheckService. HealthCheck resources must have portSpecification=USE_SERVING_PORT or portSpecification=USE_FIXED_PORT. For regional HealthCheckService, the HealthCheck must be regional and in the same region. For global HealthCheckService, HealthCheck must be global. Mix of regional and global HealthChecks is not supported. Multiple regional HealthChecks must belong to the same region. Regional HealthChecks must belong to the same region as zones of NetworkEndpointGroups. For global HealthCheckService using global INTERNET_IP_PORT NetworkEndpointGroups, the global HealthChecks must specify sourceRegions, and HealthChecks that specify sourceRegions can only be used with global INTERNET_IP_PORT NetworkEndpointGroups.


core.List<core.String>? healthChecks;