purpose property

String? purpose
getter/setter pair

The purpose of the resource.

This field can be either PRIVATE, GLOBAL_MANAGED_PROXY, REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY, PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT, or PRIVATE is the default purpose for user-created subnets or subnets that are automatically created in auto mode networks. Subnets with purpose set to GLOBAL_MANAGED_PROXY or REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY are user-created subnetworks that are reserved for Envoy-based load balancers. A subnet with purpose set to PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT is used to publish services using Private Service Connect. If unspecified, the subnet purpose defaults to PRIVATE. The enableFlowLogs field isn't supported if the subnet purpose field is set to GLOBAL_MANAGED_PROXY or REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY. Possible string values are:

  • "GLOBAL_MANAGED_PROXY" : Subnet reserved for Global Envoy-based Load Balancing.
  • "INTERNAL_HTTPS_LOAD_BALANCER" : Subnet reserved for Internal HTTP(S) Load Balancing. This is a legacy purpose, please use REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY instead.
  • "PRIVATE" : Regular user created or automatically created subnet.
  • "PRIVATE_NAT" : Subnetwork used as source range for Private NAT Gateways.
  • "PRIVATE_RFC_1918" : Regular user created or automatically created subnet.
  • "PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT" : Subnetworks created for Private Service Connect in the producer network.
  • "REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY" : Subnetwork used for Regional Envoy-based Load Balancing.


core.String? purpose;