podCidrOverprovisionConfig property

PodCIDROverprovisionConfig? podCidrOverprovisionConfig
getter/setter pair

[PRIVATE FIELD] Pod CIDR size overprovisioning config for the nodepool.

Pod CIDR size per node depends on max_pods_per_node. By default, the value of max_pods_per_node is rounded off to next power of 2 and we then double that to get the size of pod CIDR block per node. Example: max_pods_per_node of 30 would result in 64 IPs (/26). This config can disable the doubling of IPs (we still round off to next power of 2) Example: max_pods_per_node of 30 will result in 32 IPs (/27) when overprovisioning is disabled.


PodCIDROverprovisionConfig? podCidrOverprovisionConfig;