searchLinks method

Retrieve a list of links connected to a specific asset.

Links represent the data flow between source (upstream) and target (downstream) assets in transformation pipelines. Links are stored in the same project as the Lineage Events that create them. You can retrieve links in every project where you have the permission. The project provided in the URL is used for Billing and Quota.

request - The metadata request object.

Request parameters:

parent - Required. The project and location you want search in. Value must have pattern ^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+$.

$fields - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.

Completes with a GoogleCloudDatacatalogLineageV1SearchLinksResponse.

Completes with a commons.ApiRequestError if the API endpoint returned an error.

If the used http.Client completes with an error when making a REST call, this method will complete with the same error.


async.Future<GoogleCloudDatacatalogLineageV1SearchLinksResponse> searchLinks(
  GoogleCloudDatacatalogLineageV1SearchLinksRequest request,
  core.String parent, {
  core.String? $fields,
}) async {
  final body_ = convert.json.encode(request);
  final queryParams_ = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
    if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],

  final url_ = 'v1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$parent') + ':searchLinks';

  final response_ = await _requester.request(
    body: body_,
    queryParams: queryParams_,
  return GoogleCloudDatacatalogLineageV1SearchLinksResponse.fromJson(
      response_ as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);