csvReadInstances property

GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CsvSource? csvReadInstances
getter/setter pair

Each read instance consists of exactly one read timestamp and one or more entity IDs identifying entities of the corresponding EntityTypes whose Features are requested.

Each output instance contains Feature values of requested entities concatenated together as of the read time. An example read instance may be foo_entity_id, bar_entity_id, 2020-01-01T10:00:00.123Z. An example output instance may be foo_entity_id, bar_entity_id, 2020-01-01T10:00:00.123Z, foo_entity_feature1_value, bar_entity_feature2_value. Timestamp in each read instance must be millisecond-aligned. csv_read_instances are read instances stored in a plain-text CSV file. The header should be: [ENTITY_TYPE_ID1], [ENTITY_TYPE_ID2], ..., timestamp The columns can be in any order. Values in the timestamp column must use the RFC 3339 format, e.g. 2012-07-30T10:43:17.123Z.


GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CsvSource? csvReadInstances;