renewalPlan property

String? renewalPlan
getter/setter pair

The plan this capacity commitment is converted to after commitment_end_time passes.

Once the plan is changed, committed period is extended according to commitment plan. Only applicable for ANNUAL and TRIAL commitments. Possible string values are:

  • "COMMITMENT_PLAN_UNSPECIFIED" : Invalid plan value. Requests with this value will be rejected with error code google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT.
  • "FLEX" : Flex commitments have committed period of 1 minute after becoming ACTIVE. After that, they are not in a committed period anymore and can be removed any time.
  • "FLEX_FLAT_RATE" : Same as FLEX, should only be used if flat-rate commitments are still available.
  • "TRIAL" : Trial commitments have a committed period of 182 days after becoming ACTIVE. After that, they are converted to a new commitment based on the renewal_plan. Default renewal_plan for Trial commitment is Flex so that it can be deleted right after committed period ends.
  • "MONTHLY" : Monthly commitments have a committed period of 30 days after becoming ACTIVE. After that, they are not in a committed period anymore and can be removed any time.
  • "MONTHLY_FLAT_RATE" : Same as MONTHLY, should only be used if flat-rate commitments are still available.
  • "ANNUAL" : Annual commitments have a committed period of 365 days after becoming ACTIVE. After that they are converted to a new commitment based on the renewal_plan.
  • "ANNUAL_FLAT_RATE" : Same as ANNUAL, should only be used if flat-rate commitments are still available.
  • "THREE_YEAR" : 3-year commitments have a committed period of 1095(3 *
  1. days after becoming ACTIVE. After that they are converted to a new commitment based on the renewal_plan.
  • "NONE" : Should only be used for renewal_plan and is only meaningful if edition is specified to values other than EDITION_UNSPECIFIED. Otherwise CreateCapacityCommitmentRequest or UpdateCapacityCommitmentRequest will be rejected with error code google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT. If the renewal_plan is NONE, capacity commitment will be removed at the end of its commitment period.


core.String? renewalPlan;