action property

String? action
getter/setter pair

The Action to perform when the rule is matched.

The following are the valid actions: - allow: allow access to target. - deny(STATUS): deny access to target, returns the HTTP response code specified. Valid values for STATUS are 403, 404, and 502. - rate_based_ban: limit client traffic to the configured threshold and ban the client if the traffic exceeds the threshold. Configure parameters for this action in RateLimitOptions. Requires rate_limit_options to be set. - redirect: redirect to a different target. This can either be an internal reCAPTCHA redirect, or an external URL-based redirect via a 302 response. Parameters for this action can be configured via redirectOptions. This action is only supported in Global Security Policies of type CLOUD_ARMOR.

  • throttle: limit client traffic to the configured threshold. Configure parameters for this action in rateLimitOptions. Requires rate_limit_options to be set for this.


core.String? action;