status property

String? status
getter/setter pair

This field is to determine the status of the secondary range programmably. Possible string values are:

  • "UNKNOWN" : UNKNOWN is the zero value of the Status enum. It's not a valid status.
  • "UNUSED" : UNUSED denotes that this range is unclaimed by any cluster.
  • "IN_USE_SERVICE" : IN_USE_SERVICE denotes that this range is claimed by cluster(s) for services. User-managed services range can be shared between clusters within the same subnetwork.
  • "IN_USE_SHAREABLE_POD" : IN_USE_SHAREABLE_POD denotes this range was created by the network admin and is currently claimed by a cluster for pods. It can only be used by other clusters as a pod range.
  • "IN_USE_MANAGED_POD" : IN_USE_MANAGED_POD denotes this range was created by GKE and is claimed for pods. It cannot be used for other clusters.


core.String? status;