promotions property

List<OrderPromotion>? promotions
getter/setter pair

Promotions associated with the order.

To determine which promotions apply to which products, check the Promotions[].appliedItems[].lineItemId field against the LineItems[].id field for each promotion. If a promotion is applied to more than 1 offerId, divide the discount value by the number of affected offers to determine how much discount to apply to each offerId. Examples:

  1. To calculate price paid by the customer for a single line item including the discount: For each promotion, subtract the LineItems[].adjustments[].priceAdjustment.value amount from the LineItems[].Price.value. 2. To calculate price paid by the customer for a single line item including the discount in case of multiple quantity: For each promotion, divide the LineItems[].adjustments[].priceAdjustment.value by the quantity of products then subtract the resulting value from the LineItems[].Product.Price.value for each quantity item. Only 1 promotion can be applied to an offerId in a given order. To refund an item which had a promotion applied to it, make sure to refund the amount after first subtracting the promotion discount from the item price. More details about the program are here.


core.List<OrderPromotion>? promotions;