notificationCategory property

String? notificationCategory
getter/setter pair

The notification category to send the test message for.

All contacts must be subscribed to this category.

Required. Possible string values are:

  • "NOTIFICATION_CATEGORY_UNSPECIFIED" : Notification category is unrecognized or unspecified.
  • "ALL" : All notifications related to the resource, including notifications pertaining to categories added in the future.
  • "SUSPENSION" : Notifications related to imminent account suspension.
  • "SECURITY" : Notifications related to security/privacy incidents, notifications, and vulnerabilities.
  • "TECHNICAL" : Notifications related to technical events and issues such as outages, errors, or bugs.
  • "BILLING" : Notifications related to billing and payments notifications, price updates, errors, or credits.
  • "LEGAL" : Notifications related to enforcement actions, regulatory compliance, or government notices.
  • "PRODUCT_UPDATES" : Notifications related to new versions, product terms updates, or deprecations.
  • "TECHNICAL_INCIDENTS" : Child category of TECHNICAL. If assigned, technical incident notifications will go to these contacts instead of TECHNICAL.


core.String? notificationCategory;