suspensionReasons property

List<String>? suspensionReasons
getter/setter pair

Read-only field containing an enumerable of all the current suspension reasons for a subscription.

It is possible for a subscription to have many concurrent, overlapping suspension reasons. A subscription's STATUS is SUSPENDED until all pending suspensions are removed. Possible options include: - PENDING_TOS_ACCEPTANCE - The customer has not logged in and accepted the G Suite Resold Terms of Services. - RENEWAL_WITH_TYPE_CANCEL - The customer's commitment ended and their service was cancelled at the end of their term. - RESELLER_INITIATED - A manual suspension invoked by a Reseller. - TRIAL_ENDED - The customer's trial expired without a plan selected. - OTHER - The customer is suspended for an internal Google reason (e.g. abuse or otherwise).


core.List<core.String>? suspensionReasons;