forceReload method

void forceReload(
  1. ScalableImageSource src

If the image referenced by src is in the cache, force it to be reloaded the next time it is used.


void forceReload(ScalableImageSource src) {
  final _CacheEntry? old = _canonicalized.remove(src);
  if (old == null) {
  final e = _CacheEntry(src, src.createSI());
  _canonicalized[src] = e;
  if (old._refCount > 0) {
    e._refCount = old._refCount;
    assert(old._lessRecent == null && old._moreRecent == null);
  } else {
    e._lessRecent = old._lessRecent;
    e._moreRecent = old._moreRecent;
    assert(e._lessRecent!._moreRecent == old);
    e._lessRecent!._moreRecent = e;
    assert(e._moreRecent!._lessRecent == old);
    e._moreRecent!._lessRecent = e;