scrollToObject function

dynamic scrollToObject(
  1. RenderObject object,
  2. ScrollController scrollController,
  3. Duration duration,
  4. Curve curve,
  5. double overscroll,

Scroll to the given object, which must be inside scrollControllers viewport.


scrollToObject(RenderObject object, ScrollController scrollController,
    Duration duration, Curve curve, double overscroll) {
  // Calculate the offset needed to show the object in the [ScrollView]
  // so that its bottom touches the top of the keyboard.
  final viewport = RenderAbstractViewport.of(object);
  final offset = viewport.getOffsetToReveal(object, 1.0).offset + overscroll;

  // If the object is covered by the keyboard, scroll to reveal it,
  // and add [focusPadding] between it and top of the keyboard.
  if (offset > scrollController.position.pixels) {
      duration: duration,
      curve: curve,