🚀 lyon1examenClient

A Dart library that provides seamless integration with Lyon 1 University's exam service, leveraging the Lyon 1 CAS (Central Authentication Service) system for user authentication.

✨ Features

  • Authenticate users with Lyon 1 CAS credentials using the lyon1casclient library.
  • Fetch and retrieve exam information from Lyon 1 University's exam service.
  • Designed for easy integration with Lyon 1 CAS, allowing a streamlined authentication process.

⚙️ Installation

Add the following dependencies to your project's pubspec.yaml file:

  lyon1casclient: any
  lyon1examenclient: any

🔒 Usage

Start by importing the necessary libraries:

import 'package:lyon1casclient/lyon1casclient.dart';
import 'package:lyon1examenclient/lyon1examenclient.dart';

Register adapters for Lyon1CasClient:


Authenticate the user using Lyon1CasClient:

final lyon1Cas = Lyon1CasClient();
lyon1Cas.authenticate(Credential("username", "password"));

Initialize Lyon1ExamenClient with the authenticated Lyon1CasClient:

final examClient = Lyon1ExamenClient(lyon1Cas);

Fetch and print exam information:

final exams = await examClient.fetchExams();
for (var exam in exams) {

Make sure to replace "username" with the actual Lyon 1 CAS username and "password" with the corresponding password.

🌍 Community and Support

For questions, bug reports, or feature requests related to lyon1examenClient, please visit the lyon1examenClient GitHub repository. Contributions and feedback are always welcome!

