createContext<TValue> function

Context<TValue?> createContext<TValue>([
  1. @Deprecated('Use `createContextInit` instead to create contexts with initial values.' ' Since the argument to createContextInit is required, it can be used to create a context that holds a non-nullable type,' ' whereas this function can only create contexts with nullable type arguments.') TValue? defaultValue,
  2. int calculateChangedBits(
    1. TValue?,
    2. TValue?

Creates a Context object.

When React renders a component that subscribes to this Context object it will read the current context value from the closest matching Provider above it in the tree.

To create a context with a non-nullable generic type, use createContextInit instead (caveat: requires a default value).


final MyContext = createContext<String?>();

example() {
  return Fragment()(
    (MyContext.Provider()..value = 'new context value')(
      // Consume using either a function component, class component, or Context.Consumer utility.
      // Each of the following children renders a span with 'new context value'.
        (value) => Dom.span()(value),

    // When not nested in a matching Provider, the default value (null) is used.
    // To provide a default value, use createContextInit instead of createContext.
    ExampleFunctionConsumer()(), // Renders an empty span.

mixin ExampleFunctionConsumerProps on UiProps {}
UiFactory<ExampleFunctionConsumerProps> ExampleFunctionConsumer = uiFunction((props) {
  final contextValue = useContext(MyContext);
  return Dom.span()(contextValue);
}, _$ExampleFunctionConsumerConfig);

UiFactory<ExampleClassConsumerProps> ExampleClassConsumer = castUiFactory(_$ExampleClassConsumer);
mixin ExampleClassConsumerProps on UiProps {}
class ExampleClassConsumerComponent extends UiComponent2<ExampleClassConsumerProps> {
  get contextType => MyContext.reactDartContext;

  render() {
    return Dom.span()(this.context);

Learn more:


Context<TValue?> createContext<TValue>([
  @Deprecated('Use `createContextInit` instead to create contexts with initial values.'
       ' Since the argument to createContextInit is required, it can be used to create a context that holds a non-nullable type,'
       ' whereas this function can only create contexts with nullable type arguments.')
  TValue? defaultValue,
  int Function(TValue?, TValue?)? calculateChangedBits,
]) => createContextInit(defaultValue, calculateChangedBits);