render function

dynamic render(
  1. dynamic component, {
  2. bool autoTearDown = true,
  3. Element? container,
  4. Callback? autoTearDownCallback,

Renders a React component or builder into a detached node and returns the component instance.

By default the rendered instance will be unmounted after the current test, to prevent this behavior set autoTearDown to false. If autoTearDown is set to true once it will, if provided, call autoTearDownCallback once the component has been unmounted.


/* [1] */ render(dynamic component,
    {bool autoTearDown = true,
    Element? container,
    Callback? autoTearDownCallback}) {
  var renderedInstance;
  component = component is component_base.UiProps ? component() : component;


  if (container == null) {
    renderedInstance = react_test_utils.renderIntoDocument(component);
  } else {
    renderedInstance = react_dom.render(component, container);

  if (autoTearDown) {
    addTearDown(() {
      if (autoTearDownCallback != null) autoTearDownCallback();

  return renderedInstance;