PatapataException class abstract

Defines exceptions that occur in applications using patapata.



PatapataException({App<Object>? app, String? message, Object? original, List<String>? fingerprint, Map<String, String>? localeTitleData, Map<String, String>? localeMessageData, Map<String, String>? localeFixData, Future<void> fix()?, Level? logLevel, Level? userLogLevel})


code String
Error code. Usually a string of prefix and internalCode.
no setter
defaultPrefix String
Default prefix when not set in ErrorEnvironment.errorReplacePrefixMap.
no setter
fingerprint List<String>?
Used to group and deduplicate events with the same fingerprint in the Log system.
fix → (Future<void> Function()?)
You can define a process to recover from the error.
hasFix bool
true if fix is defined.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasLocalizedFix bool
true if the localization key for localizedFix is defined.
no setter
hasLocalizedMessage bool
true if the localization key for localizedMessage is defined.
no setter
hasLocalizedTitle bool
true if the localization key for localizedTitle is defined.
no setter
internalCode String
Internal error code. Used as a localization key when being localized like in localizedMessage.
no setter
localeFixData Map<String, String>?
Parameters passed in the localization of localizedFix. prefix is passed by default.
localeMessageData Map<String, String>?
Parameters passed in the localization of localizedMessage. prefix is passed by default.
localeTitleData Map<String, String>?
Parameters passed in the localization of localizedTitle. prefix is passed by default.
localizedFix String
Displays the error treatment message localized by the L10n system.
no setter
localizedMessage String
Displays the error message localized by the L10n system.
no setter
localizedTitle String
Displays the error title localized by the L10n system.
no setter
logLevel → Level?
Notification Level to the Log system.
message String?
Error message. This message is for logging and debugging purposes and is not meant to be displayed to the user.
namespace String
Defines the namespace of the error. Used in localization keys like in localizedMessage and settings in ErrorEnvironment.
no setter
original Object?
Original error.
prefix String
Prefix for code Can be set by ErrorEnvironment.errorReplacePrefixMap with namespace. If not set, then defaultPrefix.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
userLogLevel → Level?
Importance from the user's perspective.
no setter
widget Widget
Returns ErrorWidget.
no setter


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onReported(ReportRecord record) → void
Called when this exception is reported by the Log system.
showDialog(BuildContext context) Future<void>
Displays a dialog.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.