• push local notifications any where in flutter

  • for web add OverlaySupport

      child: MaterialApp(
        title: 'Flutter Demo',
        debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
        theme: ThemeData(
          primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
        darkTheme: ThemeData.dark(),
        home: const Home( ),

first init

 await PlatformNotifier.I.init(appName: "test app name");

Request notification permissions

 bool? isAccepted = await PlatformNotifier.I.requestPermissions();
 print("isAccepted $isAccepted");

to show normal notification

  await PlatformNotifier.I.showPluginNotification(
          id: DateTime.now().second,
          title: "title",
          body: "body",
          payload: "test"),

to show chat notifications with action (Reply and mark as read) buttons

 await PlatformNotifier.I.showChatNotification(
                model: ShowPluginNotificationModel(
                  id: DateTime.now().second,
                  title: "title",
                  body: "body",
                  payload: "test",
                userImage: "https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/default-avatar-profile-vector-user-profile-default-avatar-profile-vector-user-profile-profile-179376714.jpg",
                conversationTitle: "conversationTitle",
                userName: "userName",

Listen for chick and actions stream

  void _setUpStreams() {
      (event) {
        if (event is PluginNotificationClickAction) {
          //handle when user click on the notification
        if (event is PluginNotificationReplyAction) {
          //handle when user choose reply action
        if (event is PluginNotificationMarkRead) {
          //handle when user submit value to reply textile