
pub package

Welcome to Playx, where simplicity meets functionality! Playx is an ecosystem designed to streamline your Flutter app development process by offering a plethora of utilities for themes, widgets, networking, and more.


  • Prefs: Efficient key-value pair storage powered by SharedPreferences.
  • PlayX.runPlayX: Simplifies app initialization by wrapping runApp and providing injection capabilities.
  • AppConfig: Enables hassle-free installation and setup of app dependencies.
  • AppTheme: Facilitates the creation and management of app themes with seamless theme switching.
  • PlayxLocalization: Effortlessly manage app localization with a straightforward implementation and an array of utilities.
  • playx_widget: Offers a collection of custom utility widgets like OptimizedScrollView, ImageViewer, and AppVersion to expedite development.
  • playx_network: Enhances Dio with improved error handling and simplified API request handling.
  • exports: Conveniently manage package updates for dependencies like Get, async, and more from a single location. Only one import is needed to access all the packages.


To integrate Playx into your project, add the following line to your pubspec.yaml file:

playx: ^1.1.0  


🔥 Create App Configuration:

Initialize dependencies before calling runApp using AppConfig.

class AppConfig extends PlayXAppConfig {  
  Future<void> boot() async {  
    final ApiClient client = ApiClient(dio);  

🔥 Create Theme Configuration:

Customize your app's theme settings including themes, colors, and fonts.

PlayxThemeConfig createThemeConfig() {  
  return PlayxThemeConfig(  
    themes: [  
      // Define your themes here  

Check out playx_theme for detailed theme customization.

🔥 Create Locale Configuration:

Configure app locales with settings like supported locales and path to translations.

PlayxLocaleConfig createLocaleConfig() {  
  return PlayxLocaleConfig(  
    // Customize your locale settings here  

Explore playx_localization for efficient app localization management.

🔥 Run App with PlayX.runPlayX:

Initialize dependencies, themes, and locales effortlessly with PlayX.runPlayX.

void main() async {  
    appConfig: config,  
    themeConfig: createThemeConfig(),  
    envSettings: const PlayxEnvSettings(  
      fileName: 'assets/env/keys.env',  
    localeConfig: createLocaleConfig(),  
    app: const MyApp(),  
    sentryOptions: (options) {  
      options.dsn = AppConfig.sentryKey;  

🔥Network Requests with playx_network:

playx_network is a Wrapper around Dio that can perform api request with better error handling and easily get the result of any api request. We can use PlayxNetworkClient to perform GET, POST, PUT,, and DELETE HTTP methods for retrieving from and sending data to a server.

To use it we need to :

  • Setup PlayxNetworkClient an configure it based on your needs. You should create only one instance of this network client to be used for the app depending on your use case.

    final PlayxNetworkClient _client = PlayxNetworkClient(
       //you can customize your dio options like base URL, connection time out.
       dio: Dio(
           baseUrl: _baseUrl,
           connectTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 20),
           senTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 20),
       customHeaders: () async => {
         'authorization': 'Bearer token'
       errorMapper: (json) {
         if (json.containsKey('message')) {
           return json['message'] as String? ;
         return null;
  • Now we can use the client to perform any GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP method.

    For example we will perfrom a GET request that gets list of cats using this api :

    • First create a model for the data returned from the api. It should contain a from json function that takes dynamic json and converts it to the model.

      class Cat {
         String? id;
         String? url;
         num? width;
         num? height;
          Cat.fromJson(dynamic json) {
                id = json['id'];
                url = json['url'];
               width = json['width'];
              height = json['height'];
    • Perform the GET request :

          //gets list f cats by getting cats endpoint.
          final result = await _client.getList(catsEndpoint,
          // pass your own queries.
          query: {
            'limit': '10',
          // Pass the from json function that was created in the cat model.
          fromJson: Cat.fromJson);
    • Handle The request result :

        result.when(success: (cats) {
        //Handles success here as it returns list of cats.
        }, error: (error) {
          //handle error here and display the error message.
          print("Error is : ${error.message}");

      Just like that you can perform any GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP method and return it's result whether success or failure with better error handling.

See Also:

