addStyleTag method

Future<ElementHandle> addStyleTag({
  1. String? url,
  2. File? file,
  3. String? content,

Adds a <link rel="stylesheet"> tag into the page with the desired url or a <style type="text/css"> tag with the content.

Shortcut for Page.mainFrame.addStyleTag.

Parameters: url: URL of the <link> tag. file: CSS file to be injected into frame. content: Raw CSS content to be injected into frame.

Returns a Future<ElementHandle> which resolves to the added tag when the stylesheet's onload fires or when the CSS content was injected into frame.


Future<ElementHandle> addStyleTag(
    {String? url, File? file, String? content}) {
  return mainFrame.addStyleTag(url: url, file: file, content: content);