FxGrid constructor

const FxGrid({
  1. required List<FxGridColumn> children,
  2. Key? key,
  3. List<int> breakpoints = const <int>[576, 768, 992, 1200],
  4. List<int> hideOn = const <int>[],
  5. List<int> showOn = const <int>[],
  6. MainAxisAlignment mainAxisAlignment = MainAxisAlignment.start,
  7. CrossAxisAlignment crossAxisAlignment = CrossAxisAlignment.start,

Constructs an FxGrid widget.

The children parameter is a list of FxGridColumn widgets that represent the columns in the grid. The breakpoints parameter is a list of screen widths at which the number of columns in the grid changes. The hideOn parameter is a list of column indices to hide. The showOn parameter is a list of column indices to show, regardless of other conditions. The mainAxisAlignment parameter determines how the columns are aligned horizontally. The crossAxisAlignment parameter determines how the columns are aligned vertically. The key parameter is an optional key that can be used to identify and differentiate this widget.


const FxGrid({
  required this.children,
  this.breakpoints = const <int>[576, 768, 992, 1200],
  this.hideOn = const <int>[],
  this.showOn = const <int>[],
  this.mainAxisAlignment = MainAxisAlignment.start,
  this.crossAxisAlignment = CrossAxisAlignment.start,