MapExtension<T> extension

Map extension to extend Map functionality

This extension allows you to perform various operations on a Map<T, T> such as checking if a key/value pair exists, getting the value of a specific key and casting it to a certain type, removing key-value pairs from the map based on their keys or values, and getting a list from the map.



diffKeys<K, V>(Map<K, V> map) Map<T, T>
Returns all entries of this map according to keys.
diffValues(Map<T, T> map) Map<T, T>
Returns all entries of this map according to values.
doesntHave(String key, T value) bool
If this map does not contains the given key/value pair.
getBool(String key) bool
Reads a key value of bool type from Map.
getDouble(String key, {double? defaultValue}) double?
Reads a key value of double type from Map.
getId({T? defaultValue}) → T?
Returns the ID of the object if exists otherwise return 0;
getInt(String key, {int? defaultValue}) int?
Reads a key value of int type from Map.
getList<K>(String key) List<T>
This method retrieves the list associated with the given key from the map. If the key is not present or the value associated with the key is not a list, it returns an empty list of the generic type T.
getString(String key, {String? defaultValue}) String?
Reads a key value of String type from Map.
has(String key, dynamic value) bool
Whether this map contains the given key/value pair.
match(T condition, [String? byDefault = 'Invalid input']) Object?
The match() function also works similarly to switch
pick(List<T> keys) Map<T, T>
This extension method picks specific keys from a map and returns a new map containing only the selected keys and their corresponding values.
removeNullValues() Map<T, T>
Returns a new map containing the entries of this map excluding entries with null values.
retainKeys(List<T> keys) Map<T, T>
Removes the key/value pairs from the map whose keys are not present in the given keys list.