paint static method

Paint? paint(
  1. DataSource source,
  2. List<Object> key

Returns a Paint from the specified map.

If the map is absent, returns null.

Otherwise (even if it has no keys), a new Paint is created and its properties are set according to the identically-named properties of the map, as follows:

(Some values are not supported, because there is no way for them to be used currently in RFW contexts.)


//  * `imageFilter`: [imageFilter].
//  * `invertColors`: boolean.
///  * `isAntiAlias`: boolean.
///  * `maskFilter`: [maskFilter].
///  * `shader`: [shader].
//  * `strokeCap`: [enumValue] of [StrokeCap].
//  * `strokeJoin`: [enumValue] of [StrokeJoin].
//  * `strokeMiterLimit`: double.
//  * `strokeWidth`: double.
//  * `style`: [enumValue] of [PaintingStyle].
/// (Some values are not supported, because there is no way for them to be
/// used currently in RFW contexts.)
static Paint? paint(DataSource source, List<Object> key) {
  if (!source.isMap(key)) {
    return null;
  final Paint result = Paint();
  final BlendMode? paintBlendMode = enumValue<BlendMode>(BlendMode.values, source, [...key, 'blendMode']);
  if (paintBlendMode != null) {
    result.blendMode = paintBlendMode;
  final Color? paintColor = color(source, [...key, 'color']);
  if (paintColor != null) {
    result.color = paintColor;
  final ColorFilter? paintColorFilter = colorFilter(source, [...key, 'colorFilter']);
  if (paintColorFilter != null) {
    result.colorFilter = paintColorFilter;
  final FilterQuality? paintFilterQuality = enumValue<FilterQuality>(FilterQuality.values, source, [...key, 'filterQuality']);
  if (paintFilterQuality != null) {
    result.filterQuality = paintFilterQuality;
  // final ImageFilter? paintImageFilter = imageFilter(source, [...key, 'imageFilter']);
  // if (paintImageFilter != null) {
  //   result.imageFilter = paintImageFilter;
  // }
  // final bool? paintInvertColors = source.v<bool>([...key, 'invertColors']);
  // if (paintInvertColors != null) {
  //   result.invertColors = paintInvertColors;
  // }
  final bool? paintIsAntiAlias = source.v<bool>([...key, 'isAntiAlias']);
  if (paintIsAntiAlias != null) {
    result.isAntiAlias = paintIsAntiAlias;
  final MaskFilter? paintMaskFilter = maskFilter(source, [...key, 'maskFilter']);
  if (paintMaskFilter != null) {
    result.maskFilter = paintMaskFilter;
  final Shader? paintShader = shader(source, [...key, 'shader']);
  if (paintShader != null) {
    result.shader = paintShader;
  // final StrokeCap? paintStrokeCap = enumValue<StrokeCap>(StrokeCap.values, source, [...key, 'strokeCap']),
  // if (paintStrokeCap != null) {
  //   result.strokeCap = paintStrokeCap;
  // }
  // final StrokeJoin? paintStrokeJoin = enumValue<StrokeJoin>(StrokeJoin.values, source, [...key, 'strokeJoin']),
  // if (paintStrokeJoin != null) {
  //   result.strokeJoin = paintStrokeJoin;
  // }
  // final double paintStrokeMiterLimit? = source.v<double>([...key, 'strokeMiterLimit']),
  // if (paintStrokeMiterLimit != null) {
  //   result.strokeMiterLimit = paintStrokeMiterLimit;
  // }
  // final double paintStrokeWidth? = source.v<double>([...key, 'strokeWidth']),
  // if (paintStrokeWidth != null) {
  //   result.strokeWidth = paintStrokeWidth;
  // }
  // final PaintingStyle? paintStyle = enumValue<PaintingStyle>(PaintingStyle.values, source, [...key, 'style']),
  // if (paintStyle != null) {
  // = paintStyle;
  // }
  return result;