Raw<T> typedef

Raw<T> = T

An annotation for marking a value type as "should not be handled by Riverpod".

This is a type-alias to T, and has no runtime effect. It is only used as metadata for the code-generator/linter.

This serves two purposes:

  • It enables a provider to return a Future/Stream without having the provider converting it into an AsyncValue.

    Raw<Future<int>> myProvider(...) async => ...;
    // returns a Future<int> instead of AsyncValue<int>
    Future<int> value = ref.watch(myProvider);
  • It can silence the linter when a provider returns a value that is otherwise not supported, such as Flutter's ChangeNotifier:

    // Will not trigger the "unsupported return type" lint
    Raw<MyChangeNotifier> myProvider(...) => MyChangeNotifier();

The typedef can be used at various places within the return type declaration.

For example, a valid return type is Future<Raw<ChangeNotifier>>. This way, Riverpod will convert the Future into an AsyncValue, and the usage of ChangeNotifier will not trigger the linter:

Future<Raw<ChangeNotifier>> myProvider(...) async => ...;
AsyncValue<ChangeNotifier> value = ref.watch(myProvider);


typedef Raw<T> = T;