A package which enables you to write more readable, succinct Dart code by building on existing language features.

For an example of what's in this package, take this fictional example of a function that takes an URL as a string and returns its canonicalized host:

String? canonicalHost(String url) {
    final uri = Uri.parse(url);
    final host =;
    return isValidHost(host) ? canonicalizeHost(host) : null;

With the let and filter extension methods you can write the same function in a single line:

String? canonicalHost(String url) =>

Universal extension methods

The extension methods from the AnyExtension are available on all values.


It's like a map method for singulare values.

It's most useful when you want to transform a value multiple times, especially if any of the steps can return null.


It's like a where method for singulare values.

This method takes a predicate function and returns the value if the predicate returns true and null if the predicate returns false.


It takes a function and immediately calls it with the value it was called on.

A common use for this method is to log a value to the console without having to rearrange the code:

String doSomethingTo(String value) => value
    .substring(0, value.length / 2)

