
This package is designed to simplify database interactions using reflectable and sqflite. It aims to facilitate the creation of Data Access Objects (DAOs) in your Flutter application.



To use this package, you must have the reflectable dependency installed in your project. Please refer to the Getting Started section for more details on how to set up and use this package.


This package can automatically create a database based on the models you define. Once the database is created, the following features are available:

  • DAO Operations:

    • Insert: Simply pass the object you wish to insert into the database.
    • Update: Pass the object you wish to update. The logic behind this method will compare the object in the database and only update the fields that have changed, optimizing database access.
    • Delete: Pass the object you wish to delete.
    • Select: This functionality is designed to build a complex select query using familiar SQL syntax. It's simplified through the use of chaining methods, making the query construction process easier.

    (For more information go towards the Batch section)

    • Batch Insert: Is designed to insert multiple records into a database in a single operation.
    • Batch Update: Is designed to update multiple records into a database in a single operation.
    • Batch Delete: Is designed to delete multiple records into a database in a single operation.
    • Batch Insert or Update: Is designed to insert or update multiple records into a database in a single operation.
    • Batch Insert or Delete: Is designed to insert or delete multiple records into a database in a single operation.
  • Parameters: You can modify the database name, version (for database updates), and the tables you wish to create.

  • Constants:You can add, modify, or change constants to help create a model structure that sqflite recognizes. This feature is crucial for customizing the package to meet your specific needs.

  • The package also print logs in the console in order to display the changes on the database. Does not log in production.

Getting Started

Configuring the package reflectable

Firstly, you need to install the reflectable package from Once installed, you should create a build.yaml file with the following structure:

          - lib/database/entity/**.dart # Here your entity directory
          formatted: true

I recommend keeping all the entities in a single folder for ease of use with reflectable.

Next, you need to create a builder.dart file. It will always look like this:

import 'package:reflectable/reflectable_builder.dart' as builder;

main(List<String> arguments) async {
  await builder.reflectableBuild(arguments);

Once this is done, we can proceed with the models.

Models structure

When creating the models, you must adhere to a strict structure. Given that reflection uses the metadata of our objects, we need to be very meticulous with this.

The structure is as follows: (The name of the entity will be the name of the table)

import 'dart:convert';

import 'package:example/database/model_dao.dart';
import 'package:sqflite_simple_dao_backend/database/database/Reflectable.dart';
import 'package:sqflite_simple_dao_backend/database/params/constants.dart';

class Model extends ModelDao {
  int? nr;
  String? name;
  String? date;
  double? price;


  Model.all({,,, this.price});

  static final Map<String, String> _fields = {
    'nr': Constants.bigint,
    'name': Constants.varchar['20']!,
    'date': Constants.datetime,
    'price': Constants.decimal['9,2']!

  factory Model.fromRawJson(String str) => Model.fromJson(json.decode(str));

  factory Model.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Model.all(
        nr: json['nr'],
        name: json['name'],
        date: json['date'],
        price: json['price'],

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
        'nr': nr,
        'name': name,
        'date': date,
        'price': price,

  static final Iterable<String> _names = _fields.keys;

  static final List<String> _primary = [_names.elementAt(0)];
  static final List<String> _exception = [_names.elementAt(3)];

  static final List<String> _foreign = [];

  static List<String> get foreign => _foreign;

  static Map<String, String> get fields => _fields;

  static Iterable<String> get names => _names;

  static List<String> get primary => _primary;

  static List<String> get exception => _exception;

  bool operator ==(Object other) {
    if (identical(this, other)) return true;

    return other is Model && == nr;

  int get hashCode {
    return nr.hashCode;

The @reflector annotation is NECESSARY to use the package.

Once we have done this, we need to finish a couple of settings in main.dart.


The first thing is to use WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); to initialize the communication between the Dart layer and the Flutter engine. This is especially important for correctly initializing the database.

Next, I strongly recommend creating a class called Parameters where we will have all the parameters we want from the database. In my case, it would look something like this:

import 'package:example/database/entity/Model.dart';
import 'package:sqflite_simple_dao_backend/database/params/append.dart';

/* Remember to use the sqflite_simple_dao_backend */
class Parameters {


  void _dbParameters(){
    Append.dbParameters(param: 'name', value: 'Test');
    Append.dbParameters(param: 'tables', value: [Model]);
    Append.dbParameters(param: 'version', value: 1);
    /* This will be used in case you have to modify the database */
    // Append.dbParameters(param: 'tables', value: Model, update: true);

  void _constants(){
    Append.constant(type: 'varchar', key: '60', value: 'VARCHAR(10)');
    Append.constant(type: 'varchar', key: '60', value: 'VARCHAR(60)', override: true);

After all this, we only have one thing left to do to get everything working. Initialize reflection.

To initialize reflection, we must import the reflectable package and a class that will be created, as well as having the method called beforehand. At first, some errors will appear but they will disappear quickly.

Imports: (You can copy and paste)

import 'package:reflectable/reflectable.dart';
import 'main.reflectable.dart';

Method: (You should copy and paste)


Both the Parameters class, initializeReflectable, and WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized() must be initialized in the main like this:

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

Once we have this, we are ready to get everything up and running.

We go to the console and write the following command:

dart lib/builder.dart lib/main.dart

Now it will create a file called main.reflectable.dart. We enter and we have to check that all the lines of code have been correctly created for the classes we have with the @reflector.

It would look something like this: (This is only a part of the code, there may be much more)

import 'dart:core';
import 'package:example/database/entity/Model.dart' as prefix1;
import 'package:sqflite_simple_dao_backend/database/database/Reflectable.dart'
as prefix0;

// ignore_for_file: camel_case_types
// ignore_for_file: implementation_imports
// ignore_for_file: prefer_adjacent_string_concatenation
// ignore_for_file: prefer_collection_literals
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_const

// ignore:unused_import
import 'package:reflectable/mirrors.dart' as m;
// ignore:unused_import
import 'package:reflectable/src/reflectable_builder_based.dart' as r;
// ignore:unused_import
import 'package:reflectable/reflectable.dart' as r show Reflectable;

final _data = <r.Reflectable, r.ReflectorData>{
const prefix0.MyReflectable(): r.ReflectorData(
const prefix0.MyReflectable(),
const <int>[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21],
const <int>[22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
const <int>[13, 14, 15, 16, 17],

If this code does not appear, you should check for errors in the installation. If there are no errors and it still does not appear, run the command again. If you continue to have problems, you can contact me at

Remember (Important)

This Dart command needs to be executed in case you modify anything about the reflectable package.

dart lib/builder.dart lib/main.dart


This package is designed for ease of use. The implementation is straightforward, just as I would prefer to use this package. To see this working I recommend to check the example.

First, we have to create the 'ModelDao' class, in witch we will have the generic methods of the Dao that we will use with the models.

In my case I only implement the basic Dao in order to insert, delete or update directly from the object. But you can implement the methods that you consider.

So, this class extends the 'Dao' class from the package.

Then, the models extends from 'ModelDao'. And it's all. Now you can insert, delete and update using a method in the model.

Here is an example.

This is the ModelDao class.

import 'package:sqflite_simple_dao_backend/database/database/dao_connector.dart';

class ModelDao extends Dao {
  ModelDao() : super();

  Future<int> insert() async {
    return await super.insertSingle(objectToInsert: this);

  Future<int> update() async {
    return await super.updateSingle(objectToUpdate: this);

  Future<int> delete() async {
    return await super.deleteSingle(objectToDelete: this);

This is the model.

class Model extends ModelDao {
  int? nr;
  String? name;
  String? date;
  double? price;

Now you can use it like this.

await models[0].insert();

await models[0].update();

await models[0].delete();

Batch Methods

The batch methods are designed to perform an operation (like insert, update, or delete) on multiple data items at once, rather than individually. This can significantly improve performance when dealing with large amounts of data, as it reduces the number of individual database transactions.

Batch Insert

Performs a batch insert operation on a table.

This method takes a list of objectsToInsert as a parameter and performs a batch insert operation. It first performs a select operation on the table corresponding to the type of the first object in the list. It then creates two sets: one from the result of the select operation and another from the input objectsToInsert.

It calls the _getDifferenceList method with these two sets as parameters to get a list of new objects that need to be inserted into the table.

It then performs a batch insert operation with the new objects. The total number of rows affected by this operation is returned.

This method is useful when you have a list of objects and you want to insert new objects into the table in a single operation.

Batch Insert Usage
var objectsToInsert = [object1, object2, object3];
int result = await daoConnector.batchInsert(objectsToInsert: objectsToInsert);
print('Number of rows inserted: $result');

Batch Update

Performs a batch insert or update operation on a table.

This method takes a list of objects as a parameter and performs a batch insert or update operation. It first performs a select operation on the table corresponding to the type of the first object in the list. It then creates two sets: one from the result of the select operation and another from the input objects.

It calls the _getDifferenceList method with these two sets as parameters to get a list of new objects that need to be inserted into the table. It also calls the _getIntersectionList method with these two sets as parameters to get a list of existing objects that need to be updated in the table.

It then performs a batch insert operation with the new objects and a batch update operation with the existing objects. The total number of rows affected by these operations is returned.

This method is useful when you have a list of objects and you want to insert new objects into the table and update existing objects in a single operation.

Batch Update Usage
var objects = [object1, object2, object3];
int result = await daoConnector.batchInsertOrUpdate(objects: objects);
print('Number of rows affected: $result');

Batch Delete

Performs a batch delete operation on a table.

This method takes a list of objectsToDelete as a parameter and performs a batch delete operation. It first gets the database instance and starts a batch operation. Then, for each object in the listcd of objects to delete, it uses reflection to get the primary key(s) of the object. It constructs a WHERE clause for the delete operation using the primary key(s) and their values.

It then adds the delete operation to the batch. The table name for the delete operation is obtained by calling the getTableName method with the object.

Finally, it commits the batch and returns the number of operations in the batch. If an error occurs during the delete operation, the method logs the error and returns -1.

This method is useful when you have a list of objects and you want to delete them from the table in a single operation.

Batch Delete Usage
var objectsToDelete = [object1, object2, object3];
int result = await daoConnector.batchDelete(objectsToDelete: objectsToDelete);
print('Number of rows deleted: $result');

Batch Insert or Update

Performs a batch insert or update operation on a table.

This method takes a list of objects as a parameter and performs a batch insert or update operation. It first performs a select operation on the table corresponding to the type of the first object in the list. It then creates two sets: one from the result of the select operation and another from the input objects.

It calls the _getDifferenceList method with these two sets as parameters to get a list of new objects that need to be inserted into the table. It also calls the _getIntersectionList method with these two sets as parameters to get a list of existing objects that need to be updated in the table.

It then performs a batch insert operation with the new objects and a batch update operation with the existing objects. The total number of rows affected by these operations is returned.

This method is useful when you have a list of objects and you want to insert new objects into the table and update existing objects in a single operation.

Batch Insert or Update Usage
var objects = [object1, object2, object3];
int result = await daoConnector.batchInsertOrUpdate(objects: objects);
print('Number of rows affected: $result');

Batch Insert or Delete

Performs a batch insert or delete operation on a table.

This method takes a list of objects as a parameter and performs a batch insert or delete operation. It first performs a select operation on the table corresponding to the type of the first object in the list. It then creates two sets: one from the result of the select operation and another from the input objects.

It calls the _getDifferenceList method with these two sets as parameters to get a list of new objects that need to be inserted into the table. It also calls the _getIntersectionList method with these two sets as parameters to get a list of existing objects that need to be deleted from the table.

It then performs a batch insert operation with the new objects and a batch delete operation with the existing objects. The total number of rows affected by these operations is returned.

This method is useful when you have a list of objects and you want to insert new objects into the table and delete existing objects in a single operation.

Batch Insert or Delete Usage
var objects = [object1, object2, object3];
int result = await daoConnector.batchInsertOrDelete(objects: objects);
print('Number of rows affected: $result');