similarity method

int similarity(
  1. String matcher, {
  2. bool isWordComparison = false,

Returns the number of matching characters of two strings.

If the isWordComparison is true then Return the number of matching word of two strings.

The defualt Value of isWordComparison is false.

Example :

print('Hello World'.similarity('Hello All')); // 5 => [H, e, l, o, ' ']
print('Hello World'.similarity('Hello All', isWordsComparison: true)); // 1


int similarity(String matcher, {bool isWordComparison = false}) {
  int similar = 0;

  List<String> _subStr = [];

  if (isWordComparison) {
    _subStr = contains(' ') ? split(' ') : [this];
  } else {

  for (String str in _subStr) {
    if (matcher.contains(str)) {
      matcher = matcher.replaceAll(str, '');
  return similar;