Flutter Tracker Logger Bundle

A flutter package that bundles multiple info, event and error trackers and logger libraries to speed up development and debugging.

You just initialize it once with all your API keys and use it agnostically throughout your app.

Currently the following libraries are supported:

Getting started

The simplest way to initialize the Loggers is to initialize the instance on app start. This is best done in main.dart like so:

Future<void> main() async {
    // ...

    // ...

Add the plugins you like to the initialize function. As a default it only uses the local logger.

If you are using a zoned guard, you can wrap the initialization around your app runner.

In main.dart use the following inside a runZonedGuarded:

Future<void> main() async {
    () async {

      await Log.instance.initialize(
        matomoOptions: const MatomoOptions(siteId: 69, url: 'your matomo url'),
        sentryConfig: SentryConfig(
          optionsConfiguration: (options) {
            // options.dsn = kDebugMode ? '' : F.sentryKey;
            // Set tracesSampleRate to 1.0 to capture 100% of transactions for performance monitoring.
            // We recommend adjusting this value in production.
            options.tracesSampleRate = 1.0;
          appRunner: () => runApp(
            const AppEntry(),
    // This logs to all plugins you specified
    (error, stack) async => Log.instance.logError(
      'Uncaught error in zonedGuarded',
      error: error,
      stackTrace: stack,

Firebase Analytics

In order for the plugin to initialize, you need to initialize firebase core. See the firebase analytics docs for more information.


If you have feedback, improvements, ideas please feel free to reach out. This package is far from perfect but I strive towards a useful convenient helper in you everyday analytics / error logging.

Roadmap / TODOs

  • Add consent management somehow in a smart way
  • Add way more tests
  • Improve log levels
  • Improve debug print