launch function

  1. @Deprecated('Use launchUrl instead')
Future<bool> launch(
  1. String urlString, {
  2. bool? forceSafariVC,
  3. bool forceWebView = false,
  4. bool enableJavaScript = false,
  5. bool enableDomStorage = false,
  6. bool universalLinksOnly = false,
  7. Map<String, String> headers = const <String, String>{},
  8. Brightness? statusBarBrightness,
  9. String? webOnlyWindowName,

Parses the specified URL string and delegates handling of it to the underlying platform.

The returned future completes with a PlatformException on invalid URLs and schemes which cannot be handled, that is when canLaunch would complete with false.

By default when forceSafariVC is unset, the launcher opens web URLs in the Safari View Controller, anything else is opened using the default handler on the platform. If set to true, it opens the URL in the Safari View Controller. If false, the URL is opened in the default browser of the phone. Note that to work with universal links on iOS, this must be set to false to let the platform's system handle the URL. Set this to false if you want to use the cookies/context of the main browser of the app (such as SSO flows). This setting will nullify universalLinksOnly and will always launch a web content in the built-in Safari View Controller regardless if the url is a universal link or not.

universalLinksOnly is only used in iOS with iOS version >= 10.0. This setting is only validated when forceSafariVC is set to false. The default value of this setting is false. By default (when unset), the launcher will either launch the url in a browser (when the url is not a universal link), or launch the respective native app content (when the url is a universal link). When set to true, the launcher will only launch the content if the url is a universal link and the respective app for the universal link is installed on the user's device; otherwise throw a PlatformException.

forceWebView is an Android only setting. If null or false, the URL is always launched with the default browser on device. If set to true, the URL is launched in a WebView. Unlike iOS, browser context is shared across WebViews. enableJavaScript is an Android only setting. If true, WebView enable javascript. enableDomStorage is an Android only setting. If true, WebView enable DOM storage. headers is an Android only setting that adds headers to the WebView. When not using a WebView, the header information is passed to the browser, some Android browsers do not support the Browser.EXTRA_HEADERS intent extra and the header information will be lost. webOnlyWindowName is an Web only setting . _blank opens the new url in new tab , _self opens the new url in current tab. Default behaviour is to open the url in new tab.

Note that if any of the above are set to true but the URL is not a web URL, this will throw a PlatformException.

statusBarBrightness Sets the status bar brightness of the application after opening a link on iOS. Does nothing if no value is passed. This does not handle resetting the previous status bar style.

Returns true if launch url is successful; false is only returned when universalLinksOnly is set to true and the universal link failed to launch.


@Deprecated('Use launchUrl instead')
Future<bool> launch(
  String urlString, {
  bool? forceSafariVC,
  bool forceWebView = false,
  bool enableJavaScript = false,
  bool enableDomStorage = false,
  bool universalLinksOnly = false,
  Map<String, String> headers = const <String, String>{},
  Brightness? statusBarBrightness,
  String? webOnlyWindowName,
}) async {
  final Uri? url = Uri.tryParse(urlString.trimLeft());
  final bool isWebURL =
      url != null && (url.scheme == 'http' || url.scheme == 'https');

  if ((forceSafariVC ?? false || forceWebView) && !isWebURL) {
    throw PlatformException(
        code: 'NOT_A_WEB_SCHEME',
        message: 'To use webview or safariVC, you need to pass '
            'in a web URL. This $urlString is not a web URL.');

  /// [true] so that ui is automatically computed if [statusBarBrightness] is set.
  bool previousAutomaticSystemUiAdjustment = true;
  final RenderView? renderViewToAdjust =
      statusBarBrightness != null && defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS
          ? _findImplicitRenderView()
          : null;
  if (renderViewToAdjust != null) {
    previousAutomaticSystemUiAdjustment =
    renderViewToAdjust.automaticSystemUiAdjustment = false;
    SystemChrome.setSystemUIOverlayStyle(statusBarBrightness == Brightness.light
        ? SystemUiOverlayStyle.dark
        : SystemUiOverlayStyle.light);

  final bool result = await UrlLauncherPlatform.instance.launch(
    useSafariVC: forceSafariVC ?? isWebURL,
    useWebView: forceWebView,
    enableJavaScript: enableJavaScript,
    enableDomStorage: enableDomStorage,
    universalLinksOnly: universalLinksOnly,
    headers: headers,
    webOnlyWindowName: webOnlyWindowName,

  if (renderViewToAdjust != null) {
    renderViewToAdjust.automaticSystemUiAdjustment =

  return result;