downloadOptionsWithToken method

dynamic downloadOptionsWithToken(
  1. String token,
  2. String mediaId,
  3. String? customPlayerId,
  4. dynamic onOptionsReceived(
    1. DownloadOptions
  5. dynamic onOptionsNotReceived(
    1. VdoError

Request download options with token, videoId and custom player id.


    String token,
    String mediaId,
    String? customPlayerId,
    Function(DownloadOptions) onOptionsReceived,
    Function(VdoError)? onOptionsNotReceived) {
  this.onOptionsReceived = onOptionsReceived;
  this.onOptionsNotReceived = onOptionsNotReceived;
  _token = token;
  _customPlayerId = customPlayerId;
  methodChannel.invokeMethod("downloadOptionsWithToken", {
    'token': token,
    'videoId': mediaId,
    'customPlayerId': customPlayerId,