async_redux 7.0.2 copy "async_redux: ^7.0.2" to clipboard
async_redux: ^7.0.2 copied to clipboard


Redux without the boilerplate, tailored for Flutter. Easy to learn, to use and test. Allows for both sync and async reducers.

[7.0.2] - 2020/02/12 #

  • LocalPersist: Better handling of mock file-systems.

[7.0.1] - 2020/12/30 #

  • Breaking change:

    Now the vm parameter in the StoreConnector is a function that creates a VmFactory (instead of being a VmFactory object itself).

    So, to upgrade, you just need to provide this:

    vm: () => MyFactory(this),

    Instead of this:

    // Deprecated.
    vm: MyFactory(this), 

    Now the StoreConnector will create a VmFactory every time it needs a view-model. The Factory will have access to:

    1. state getter: The state the store was holding when the factory and the view-model were created. This state is final inside of the factory.

    2. currentState() method: The current (most recent) store state. This will return the current state the store holds at the time the method is called.

  • New store parameter immutableCollectionEquality lets you override the equality used for immutable collections from the fast_immutable_collections package.

[6.0.3] - 2020/12/03 #

  • StoreTester.dispatchState().

[6.0.2] - 2020/11/16 #

  • VmFactory.getAndRemoveFirstError().

[6.0.1] - 2020/10/30 #

  • NavigateAction now closely follows the Navigator api: push(), pop(), popAndPushNamed(), pushNamed(), pushReplacement(), pushAndRemoveUntil(), replace(), replaceRouteBelow(), pushReplacementNamed(), pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(), pushNamedAndRemoveAll(), popUntil(), removeRoute(), removeRouteBelow(), popUntilRouteName() and popUntilRoute().

[5.0.0] - 2020/10/19 #

  • Breaking change: OnWillChangeCallback now provides previousViewModel.

[4.0.4] - 2020/10/19 #

  • Better performance: Less unnecessary view-model calculations.
  • StoreConnector.shouldUpdateModel fix.

[4.0.1] - 2020/10/02 #

Flutter 1.22 compatibility #

Bumping file: ^6.0.0-nullsafety.2

Breaking Change #

The abstract ReduxAction.reduce() method signature has a return type of FutureOr<AppState>, but your concrete reducers must return one or the other: AppState or Future<AppState>.

That's necessary because AsyncRedux knows if a reducer is sync or async not by checking the returned type, but by checking your reducer() method signature. If it is FutureOr<AppState>, AsyncRedux can't know if it's sync or async, and will throw a StoreException:

Reducer should return `St` or `Future<St>`. Do not return `FutureOr<St>`.

Breaking Change #

Previously to version 4.0.0, your async reducers would have to make sure never to return completed futures. This is no longer necessary in version 4.0.0.

Now, while sync reducers continue to run synchronously with the dispatch, the async reducers will not be called immediately, but will be scheduled in a later task.

Why is this a breaking change? Previously to version 4.0.0, the async reducers would have at least started synchronously with the dispatch, and would run synchronously until the first await. You probably shouldn't be counting on the executing order of the beginning of async reducers anyway, so your code is unlikely to break after upgrading to version 4.0.0. But, please run your tests in this new version and open an issue if it has created any problems for you that you think would make it difficult to migrate.

Deprecated #

StoreConnector's model parameter is now deprecated. It expects a BaseModel object, which is also deprecated. AsyncRedux run the BaseModel.fromStore() method to obtain yet another object of type BaseModel, which is the view-model used by the connector.

While the model parameter is easy to use, it is also easy to use it wrong.

Instead, you should now use the StoreConnector's vm parameter to pass an object of type VmFactory. AsyncRedux will run the VmFactory.fromStore() method to obtain an object of type Vm, which is now the view-model used by the connector. Note: Vm is immutable, and all its fields must be final.

AsyncRedux will inject the state and the dispatch/dispatchFuture methods into VmFactory, so that you easily can create any fields and methods you need to help you build the view-model.

This is a complete example:

class MyHomePageConnector extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return StoreConnector<AppState, ViewModel>(
        vm: () => Factory(this),
        builder: (BuildContext context, ViewModel vm) =>
              counter: vm.counter,
              onIncrement: vm.onIncrement,

class Factory extends VmFactory<AppState, MyHomePageConnector> {
  Factory(widget) : super(widget);

  ViewModel fromStore() =>
        counter: state.counter,
        onIncrement: () => dispatch(IncrementAndGetDescriptionAction()),

class ViewModel extends Vm {
  final int counter;
  final String description;

    @required this.counter,
    @required this.onIncrement,
  }) : super(equals: [counter]);

Please note, StoreConnector's converter parameter still works and will NOT be deprecated.

View-model equality #

Just as before, if you provide the Vm.equals field in the constructor, it will automatically create equals/hashcode for you, so that the connector can know when the view-model changed, and rebuild. However, you can now provide your own comparison method, if you want. To that end, your state classes must implement the VmEquals interface. As a default, objects of type VmEquals are compared by identity, while all other object types are, as usual, compared by equality. You may then override the VmEquals.vmEquals() method to provide your custom comparisons.

[3.0.5] - 2020/08/18 #

  • Action.after() will now throw the error asynchronously (instead of swallowing it).

[3.0.4] - 2020/08/13 #

  • Fix: withoutHardCause was removing the code field.

[3.0.3] - 2020/08/11 #

  • cache3.
  • LocalPersist is exported separately.

[3.0.0] - 2020/07/27 #

  • Works for Web.

[2.13.1] - 2020/07/17 #

  • WrapError may now convert to any error type.
  • UserException hardCause() and withoutHardCause() methods.

[2.13.0] - 2020/07/16 #

  • typedef Reducer.
  • ReduxAction.wrapReduce().

[2.12.3] - 2020/07/08 #

  • Docs improvement.

[2.12.2] - 2020/06/30 #

  • Global WrapError now gets error, stackTrace, and action (none of them optional).
  • MockStore (still experimental, in mock_store.dart), lets you mock or disable actions/reducers during tests. (See section Mocking actions and reducers in
  • ReduxAction.status and ReduxAction.hasFinished. (Search for "Action status" in
  • ReduxAction.reduceWithState deprecated (will be removed).

[2.11.1] - 2020/06/12 #

  • Added cache/reselector functions with 1 or 2 states and zero parameters: cache1 and cache2.
  • Breaking change: Other cache/reselector functions are now named cache1_1, cache1_2, cache2_1 , and cache2_2.
  • Breaking change: Dispatch/DispatchFuture with notify: false will change the state but not rebuild widgets.

[2.10.0] - 2020/06/01 #

  • BaseModel now doesn't give direct access to the store, and doesn't read the state from the store anymore. The state is now copied and kept constant in the view-model, as it should.

[2.9.0] - 2020/05/25 #

  • Stacktrace in WrapError.
  • EventMultiple (

[2.8.11] - 2020/05/19 #

[2.8.7] - 2020/05/15 #

  • Store.stateTimestamp now records the timestamp when the current state in the store was created.

[2.8.6] - 2020/05/13 #

  • Fixed corner case for StoreTester.waitAll.

[2.8.5] - 2020/05/12 #

  • Small fixes: better generics; Better waitCondition stream close.

[2.8.4] - 2020/05/08 #

  • Fix LocalPersist imports.
  • Fix abortDispatch not getting the state.

[2.8.1] - 2020/05/01 #

  • A filesystem may be injected into LocalPersist (usually to be used with MemoryFileSystem).
  • Fix: LocalPersist.subDirs.

[2.8.0] - 2020/04/30 #

  • Store.waitCondition() returns a future which will complete when the state meets a given condition.

  • Breaking change: StoreTester.waitCondition() now accepts a parameter called testImmediately. When testImmediately is true (now the default), it will test the condition immediately when the method is called. If the condition is true, the method will return immediately, without waiting for any actions to be dispatched. When testImmediately is false (the old behavior), it will only test the condition once an action is dispatched.

[2.7.3] - 2020/04/30 #

  • Fix: When dbName is a String, LocalPersist doesn't break it in the dot anymore.
  • LocalPersist subDirs.

[2.7.2] - 2020/04/24 #

  • WaitAction now has dynamic generic type in TestInfo.type (compatible with the StoreTester).

[2.7.1] - 2020/04/15 #

  • WaitAction is now compatible with BuiltValue and Freezed packages.

[2.7.0] - 2020/04/14 #

  • WaitAction (Search for "Progress indicators" in
  • Example: main_wait_action_simple.dart
  • Example: main_wait_action_advanced_1.dart
  • Example: main_wait_action_advanced_2.dart

[2.6.0] - 2020/04/01 #

  • The default timeout for the StoreTester wait functions can now be globally changed.
  • The default debug information printed to the console can now be changed or turned off globally.

[2.5.8] - 2020/03/17 #

  • NavigateAction.push(Route).

[2.5.7] - 2020/03/09 #

  • Action.abortDispatch.

[2.5.6] - 2020/03/05 #

  • Fixed orElse in TestInfo operator [].

[2.5.5] - 2020/02/18 #

  • StoreTester.lastInfo (Search for "lastInfo" in
  • PersistorPrinterDecorator: saveInitialState linked to the correct method.
  • Fix failing tests by ensuring initialization.

[2.5.4] - 2020/02/18 #

  • Docs improvement.

[2.5.3] - 2020/01/29 #

  • Removes the generic type from PersistAction in tests.

[2.5.2] - 2020/01/28 #

  • Errors queue is cloned in TestInfo.

[2.5.1] - 2020/01/26 #

  • NavigateAction.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil.

[2.5.0] - 2020/01/20 #

  • Breaking change: The StoreConnector's shouldUpdateModel parameter now functions properly. If you are using this, make sure you return true to apply changes (the default when the parameter is not defined), and false to ignore model changes.

[2.4.4] - 2019/01/13 #

  • StoreTester dispatchFuture.

[2.4.3] - 2019/01/11 #

  • Small UserExceptionDialog web fix.

[2.4.2] - 2019/12/18 #

  • TestInfo.type now returns generic NavigateAction and UserExceptionAction, to play well with the StoreTester.

[2.4.1] - 2019/12/10 #

  • Breaking change: Global WrapError, if defined, now receives all errors, including UserExceptions.

[2.3.3] - 2019/12/07 #

  • iOS specific dialog for UserExceptions.

[2.3.2] - 2019/11/28 #

  • Docs improvement.

[2.3.0] - 2019/11/19 #

  • Global ignore in the StoreTester constructor.
  • Better treatment of wrap-errors that throw.
  • Breaking change: LocalPersist (instead of Saver/Loader).

[2.2.0] - 2019/11/15 #

  • Breaking change: PersistObserver became Persistor (and other renames).
  • PersistorPrinterDecorator. PersistorDummy.

[2.1.9] - 2019/11/12 #

  • Saver/Loader.

[2.1.4] - 2019/11/10 #

  • PersistObserver.

[2.1.3] - 2019/10/30 #

  • Removed deprecated ignoreChange. Use shouldUpdateModel instead.

[2.1.0] - 2019/10/27 #

  • Better translations support for UserException.
  • Global WrapError in the store.

[2.0.6] - 2019/10/07 #

  • Added sync_async_test.dart
  • Doc warning about async reducer returning completed future (missing await).

[2.0.5] - 2019/10/05 #

  • Better typing of StoreProvider.dispatch and StoreProvider.dispatchFuture.

[2.0.4] - 2019/10/01 #

  • StoreTester.waitUntilError and waitUntilErrorGetLast.

[2.0.3] - 2019/09/21 #

  • NavigateAction tests.
  • Navigation arguments.

[2.0.2] - 2019/09/21 #

  • UserExceptionAction.

[2.0.1] - 2019/09/19 #

  • Fix: UserException.dialogContent accepts String as cause.

[2.0.0] - 2019/09/17 #

  • Breaking change: ErrorObserver API.
  • StoreTester parameter: shouldThrowUserExceptions ( see issue).

[1.4.3] - 2019/09/15 #

  • Alternative: Use AsyncRedux with Provider (package provider_for_redux).

[1.4.1] - 2019/09/06 #

  • Flutter Awesome badge, and Pub badge.

[1.4.0] - 2019/09/02 #

  • Fix: dispatchFuture getter in ReduxAction.

[1.3.9] - 2019/08/31 #

  • NavigateAction.navigatorKey getter.

[1.3.8] - 2019/08/30 #

  • Alternatives to the Connector (StoreProvider static methods).
  • Waiting until an Action is finished (dispatchFuture).

[1.3.7] - 2019/08/28 #

  • ModelObserver and DefaultModelObserver.

[1.3.5] - 2019/08/27 #

  • README improvement.

[1.3.3] - 2019/08/26 #

  • StoreConnector's converter and model parameters.

[1.2.3] - 2019/08/23 #

  • StoreTester timeout message.

[1.2.0] - 2019/08/22 #

  • Doc improvement. StoreTester improvements.

[1.1.3] - 2019/08/21 #

  • StoreTester: waitCondition and waitConditionGetLast.

[1.1.2] - 2019/08/13 #

  • README improvement.

[1.1.1] - 2019/08/10 #

  • Ignore actions in the StoreTester.

[1.1.0] - 2019/08/07 #

  • Correct stacktrace for unwrapped action errors.

[1.0.9] - 2019/08/07 #

  • Error message improvement.

[1.0.4] - 2019/08/05 #

  • Store tester.

[1.0.0] - 2019/08/05 #

  • Initial commit.
pub points



Redux without the boilerplate, tailored for Flutter. Easy to learn, to use and test. Allows for both sync and async reducers.

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fast_immutable_collections, file, flutter, logging, meta, path, path_provider, weak_map


Packages that depend on async_redux