better_player 0.0.17 copy "better_player: ^0.0.17" to clipboard
better_player: ^0.0.17 copied to clipboard


Advanced video player based on video_player and Chewie. It's solves many typical use cases and it's easy to run.

Better Player #

pub package pub package pub package

Advanced video player based on video_player and Chewie. It's solves many typical use cases and it's easy to run.

Introduction #

This plugin is based on Chewie. Chewie is awesome plugin and works well in many cases. Better Player is a continuation of ideas introduced in Chewie. Better player fix common bugs, adds more configuration options and solves typical use cases.

✔️ Fixed common bugs
✔️ Added advanced configuration options
✔️ Refactored player controls
✔️ Playlist support
✔️ Video in ListView support
✔️ Subtitles support (HTML tags support)
✔️ HTTP Headers support
✔️ BoxFit of video support
✔️ Playback speed support

Install #

  1. Add this to your pubspec.yaml file:
  better_player: ^0.0.17
  1. Install it
$ flutter packages get
  1. Import it
import 'package:better_player/better_player.dart';

Usage #

Check Example project.

Basic usage #

Create BetterPlayerDataSource and BetterPlayerController. You should do it in initState:

BetterPlayerController _betterPlayerController;

  void initState() {
    BetterPlayerDataSource betterPlayerDataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(
    _betterPlayerController = BetterPlayerController(
        betterPlayerDataSource: betterPlayerDataSource);

Create BetterPlayer widget wrapped in AspectRatio widget:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return AspectRatio(
      aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
      child: BetterPlayer(
        controller: _betterPlayerController,

Playlist #

To use playlist, you need to create dataset with multiple videos:

  List<BetterPlayerDataSource> createDataSet() {
    List dataSourceList = List<BetterPlayerDataSource>();
    return dataSourceList;

Then create BetterPlayerPlaylist:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return AspectRatio(
      aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
      child: BetterPlayerPlaylist(
          betterPlayerConfiguration: BetterPlayerConfiguration(),
          betterPlayerPlaylistConfiguration: const BetterPlayerPlaylistConfiguration(),
          betterPlayerDataSourceList: dataSourceList),

BetterPlayerListViewPlayer #

BetterPlayerListViewPlayer will auto play/pause video once video is visible on screen with playFraction. PlayFraction describes percent of video that must be visibile to play video. If playFraction is 0.8 then 80% of video height must be visible on screen to auto play video

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return AspectRatio(
      aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
      child: BetterPlayerListVideoPlayer(
            BetterPlayerDataSourceType.NETWORK, videoListData.videoUrl),
        key: Key(videoListData.hashCode.toString()),
        playFraction: 0.8,

You can control BetterPlayerListViewPlayer with BetterPlayerListViewPlayerController. You need to pass BetterPlayerListViewPlayerController to BetterPlayerListVideoPlayer. See more here:

Subtitles #

Subtitles can be configured from 3 different sources: file, network and memory. Subtitles source is passed in BetterPlayerDataSource:

Network subtitles:

    var dataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(
      subtitles: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource(
          type: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSourceType.NETWORK,

File subtitles:

 var dataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(
      subtitles: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource(
        type: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSourceType.FILE,
        url: "${directory.path}/",

BetterPlayerConfiguration #

You can provide configuration to your player when creating BetterPlayerController.

    var betterPlayerConfiguration = BetterPlayerConfiguration(
      autoPlay: true,
      looping: true,
      fullScreenByDefault: true,

Possible configuration options:

    /// Play the video as soon as it's displayed
    final bool autoPlay;

    /// Start video at a certain position
    final Duration startAt;

    /// Whether or not the video should loop
    final bool looping;

    /// Weather or not to show the controls when initializing the widget.
    final bool showControlsOnInitialize;

    /// When the video playback runs  into an error, you can build a custom
    /// error message.
    final Widget Function(BuildContext context, String errorMessage) errorBuilder;

    /// The Aspect Ratio of the Video. Important to get the correct size of the
    /// video!
    /// Will fallback to fitting within the space allowed.
    final double aspectRatio;

    /// The placeholder is displayed underneath the Video before it is initialized
    /// or played.
    final Widget placeholder;

    /// A widget which is placed between the video and the controls
    final Widget overlay;

    /// Defines if the player will start in fullscreen when play is pressed
    final bool fullScreenByDefault;

    /// Defines if the player will sleep in fullscreen or not
    final bool allowedScreenSleep;

    /// Defines the system overlays visible after exiting fullscreen
    final List<SystemUiOverlay> systemOverlaysAfterFullScreen;

    /// Defines the set of allowed device orientations after exiting fullscreen
    final List<DeviceOrientation> deviceOrientationsAfterFullScreen;

    /// Defines a custom RoutePageBuilder for the fullscreen
    final BetterPlayerRoutePageBuilder routePageBuilder;

    /// Defines a event listener where video player events will be send
    final Function(BetterPlayerEvent) eventListener;

    ///Defines subtitles configuration
    final BetterPlayerSubtitlesConfiguration subtitlesConfiguration;

    ///Defines controls configuration
    final BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration controlsConfiguration;

    ///Defines fit of the video, allows to fix video stretching, see possible
    ///values here:
    final BoxFit fit;

BetterPlayerSubtitlesConfiguration #

You can provide subtitles configuration with this class. You should put BetterPlayerSubtitlesConfiguration in BetterPlayerConfiguration.

 var betterPlayerConfiguration = BetterPlayerConfiguration(
      subtitlesConfiguration: BetterPlayerSubtitlesConfiguration(
        fontSize: 20,

Possible configuration options:

 ///Subtitle font size
  final double fontSize;

  ///Subtitle font color
  final Color fontColor;

  ///Enable outline (border) of the text
  final bool outlineEnabled;

  ///Color of the outline stroke
  final Color outlineColor;

  ///Outline stroke size
  final double outlineSize;

  ///Font family of the subtitle
  final String fontFamily;

  ///Left padding of the subtitle
  final double leftPadding;

  ///Right padding of the subtitle
  final double rightPadding;

  ///Bottom padding of the subtitle
  final double bottomPadding;

BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration #

Configuration for player GUI. You should pass this configuration to BetterPlayerConfiguration.

ar betterPlayerConfiguration = BetterPlayerConfiguration(
      controlsConfiguration: BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration(

Possible configuration options:

  ///Color of the control bars
  final Color controlBarColor;

  ///Color of texts
  final Color textColor;

  ///Color of icons
  final Color iconsColor;

  ///Icon of play
  final IconData playIcon;

  ///Icon of pause
  final IconData pauseIcon;

  ///Icon of mute
  final IconData muteIcon;

  ///Icon of unmute
  final IconData unMuteIcon;

  ///Icon of fullscreen mode enable
  final IconData fullscreenEnableIcon;

  ///Icon of fullscreen mode disable
  final IconData fullscreenDisableIcon;

  ///Cupertino only icon, icon of skip
  final IconData skipBackIcon;

  ///Cupertino only icon, icon of forward
  final IconData skipForwardIcon;

  ///Flag used to enable/disable fullscreen
  final bool enableFullscreen;

  ///Flag used to enable/disable mute
  final bool enableMute;

  ///Flag used to enable/disable progress texts
  final bool enableProgressText;

  ///Flag used to enable/disable progress bar
  final bool enableProgressBar;

  ///Flag used to enable/disable play-pause
  final bool enablePlayPause;

  ///Progress bar played color
  final Color progressBarPlayedColor;

  ///Progress bar circle color
  final Color progressBarHandleColor;

  ///Progress bar buffered video color
  final Color progressBarBufferedColor;

  ///Progress bar background color
  final Color progressBarBackgroundColor;

  ///Time to hide controls
  final Duration controlsHideTime;

  ///Custom controls, it will override Material/Cupertino controls
  final Widget customControls;

  ///Flag used to show/hide controls
  final bool showControls;

  ///Flag used to show controls on init
  final bool showControlsOnInitialize;

  ///Control bar height
  final double controlBarHeight;

  ///Default error widget text
  final String defaultErrorText;

  ///Default loading next video text
  final String loadingNextVideoText;

  ///Text displayed when asset displayed in player is live stream
  final String liveText;

  ///Live text color;
  final Color liveTextColor;

  ///Flag used to show/hide playback speed
  final bool enablePlaybackSpeed;

BetterPlayerPlaylistConfiguration #

Configure your playlist. Pass this object to BetterPlayerPlaylist

 var betterPlayerPlaylistConfiguration = BetterPlayerPlaylistConfiguration(
      loopVideos: false,
      nextVideoDelay: Duration(milliseconds: 5000),

Possible configuration options:

  ///How long user should wait for next video
  final Duration nextVideoDelay;

  ///Should videos be looped
  final bool loopVideos;

BetterPlayerDataSource #

Define source for one video in your app.

    var dataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(
      subtitles: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource(
        type: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSourceType.FILE,
        url: "${directory.path}/",
      headers: {"header":"my_custom_header"}

Possible configuration options:

  ///Type of source of video
  final BetterPlayerDataSourceType type;

  ///Url of the video
  final String url;

  ///Subtitles configuration
  final BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource subtitles;

  ///Flag to determine if current data source is live stream
  final bool liveStream;

  /// Custom headers for player
  final Map<String, String> headers;

BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource #

Define source of subtitles in your video:

 var subtitles = BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource(
        type: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSourceType.FILE,
        url: "${directory.path}/",

Possible configuration options:

  ///Source type
  final BetterPlayerSubtitlesSourceType type;

  ///Url of the subtitles, used with file or network subtitles
  final String url;

  ///Content of subtitles, used when type is memory
  final String content;

Listen to video events #

You can listen to video player events like:


After creating BetterPlayerController you can add event listener this way:

      print("Better player event: ${event.betterPlayerEventType}");

Your event listener will ne auto-disposed on dispose time :)

More documentation #

pub points


unverified uploader

Advanced video player based on video_player and Chewie. It's solves many typical use cases and it's easy to run.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, flutter_widget_from_html_core, flutter_widgets, meta, open_iconic_flutter, pedantic, wakelock


Packages that depend on better_player