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BioKit is a Dart package for Bioinformatics.

BioKit is a Dart package for Bioinformatics.

Ensure that you have BioKit installed before continuing.

This document is intended to make you proficient with BioKit in the least amount of time possible; you can read through it sequentially, or if you're reading this on, use the heading menu on the right side of the page to jump to a topic of interest.

If you want a deeper look at how BioKit works, view our API Reference.

Creating Sequences #

Create a DNA, RNA or Peptide instance:

DNA dnaSeq = DNA(seq: 'ATGCTA');

RNA rnaSeq = RNA(seq: 'AUGCUA');

Peptide pepSeq = Peptide(seq: 'MSLAKR');

DNA and RNA classes must be initialized with a String of at least six valid nucleotides, while the Peptide class requires a minimum of two valid amino acids.

If any monomer in the sequence passed to the seq parameter is not valid for the class, an error is thrown.

Add Sequence Metadata #

Optionally, you can add name, id, and desc metadata when you instantiate the class. Using DNA as an example:

DNA dnaSeq = DNA(seq: 'ATGCTA', name: 'My Name', id: 'My ID', desc: 'My Description');

If you do not set a value for the name, id, or desc fields at the time of instantiation, each will receive a default String value.

Get Properties #

Return the values of the properties of a DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance:


// 6;
// Default ID;
// Default name

// Default description

// dna

Set Properties #

Update the properties of a DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance: = 'New name'; = 'New ID';

dnaSeq.desc = 'New description';

Sequence Info #

View information about a DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance by calling its info() method or printing it to the console:;
   "name":"New Name",
   "id":"New ID",
   "desc":"New description"

   "name":"New Name",
   "id":"New ID",
   "desc":"New description"

Random Sequences #

Return a random DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance with the random() method and pass the desired length of the sequence to the len parameter:

// A random DNA instance with 20 nucleotides.
DNA dnaSeq = DNA.random(len: 20);;

   "name":"Default Name",
   "id":"Default ID",
   "desc":"Default description"

FASTA Data #

BioKit contains a number of methods and functions for working with FASTA formatted data.

Uniprot ID #

Return a String of protein data in FASTA format using the static uniprotIdToFASTA() method from the Utils class:

String proteinFASTA = await Utils.uniprotIdToFASTA(uniprotId: 'B5ZC00');

>sp|B5ZC00|SYG_UREU1 Glycine--tRNA ligase OS=Ureaplasma urealyticum ...

Note that this method requires network access.

Read String #

Use the readFASTA() method to parse FASTA formatted String data.

readFASTA() is able to parse FASTA files containing multiple sequences, and hence returns a List:

List<Map<String, String>> proteinMaps = await Utils.readFASTA(str: proteinFASTA);

      "desc":"Glycine--tRNA ligase OS=Ureaplasma urealyticum serovar 10 (... "

Read File #

Read in data from a FASTA formatted txt file:

List<Map<String, String>> dnaMaps = await Utils.readFASTA(path: './gene_bank.txt');

      "desc":"Human gene for bone gla protein (BGP)"
      "desc":"Human theta 1-globin gene"

Write File #

Write the contents of a DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance to a FASTA formatted txt file using the toFASTA() method:

// Get the first Map object.
Map<String, String> firstSeq = dnaMaps.first;

// Create a new DNA instance.
DNA dnaSeq = DNA(seq: firstSeq['seq']!, id: firstSeq['id']!, desc: firstSeq['desc']!);

// Write the instance contents to FASTA formatted file.
dnaSeq.toFASTA(path: '../deliverables', filename: 'my_dna_seq');

>HSBGPG Human gene for bone gla protein (BGP)

DNA Analysis Report #

Create a DNA analysis report by calling the report() method on a DNA instance: '../deliverables', creator: 'John Doe', title: 'BGP Report');

+ Operator #

Return the concatenated sequence result of two or more DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance sequences, of the same type, with the + operator:

RNA rnaSeq1 = RNA(seq: 'AUGCAG');
RNA rnaSeq2 = RNA(seq: 'GCUGAA');

rnaSeq1 + rnaSeq2; 

Reversing #

Reverse a DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance's sequence with the reverse() method:

Peptide pepSeq = Peptide(seq: 'MPAG');


Point Mutations #

Return the number of positional-differences between two DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance sequences, of the same type, with the difference() method:

DNA dnaSeq1 = DNA(seq: 'ATGCAT');

// Difference: "A" at index 1, and "T" at index 4. 
DNA dnaSeq2 = DNA(seq: 'AAGCTT');

dnaSeq1.difference(oSeq: dnaSeq2)
// 2

Motif Detection #

BioKit has a number of functions and methods to convert and detect matches between a motif and the sequence of a DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance.

Find Motifs #

Return the indices of all matches between a DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance's sequence and the sequence passed to the findMotif() method's motif parameter:

RNA rnaSeq = RNA(seq: 'GAUAUAUC');

rnaSeq.findMotif(motif: 'AUAU');


Set overlap to false to return only the match indices that do not overlap:

rnaSeq.findMotif(motif: 'AUAU', overlap: false);


Shared Motifs #

Return the longest shared motif between two DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance sequences, of the same type:

DNA dnaSeq1 = DNA('GATATA');

DNA dnaSeq2 = DNA('AGCATA');

dnaSeq1.sharedMotif(oSeq: dnaSeq2); 
// ATA

Manually Convert Motif to Regex #

The findMotif() method automatically converts motifs passed to its motif parameter to regular-expression format, however, you can also perform the conversion manually using the motifToRe() function:

Utils.motifToRe(motif: 'N{P}[ST]{P}'); 
// 'N[^P][S|T|][^P]'

// No change needs to be made.
Utils.motifToRe(motif: 'ATGC');

Splicing #

Return a sequence with all occurrences of a motif removed from a DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance's sequence using the splice method, and passing the motif to the motif parameter:

RNA rnaSeq = RNA(seq: 'AUCAUGU');

// Removes all occurrences of 'AU'.
rnaSeq.splice(motif: 'AU');
// CGU

Monomer Frequency #

Return the frequency of each monomer in a DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance's sequence with the freq() method:

DNA dnaSeq = DNA(seq: 'AGCTTTTCAGC');



Percentage of Total #

Return the percentage of the total that each monomer count represents in the sequence by passing true to the norm parameter of the freq() method:

dnaSeq.freq(norm: true);


Ignore the Stop Amino Acid #

When the translate() method is called on DNA or RNA instances, BioKit returns an amino acid sequence; when BioKit encounters a stop codon, rather than stoping translation, or ignoring the stop codon, BioKit places an "X" character at that position in the amino acid sequence:

// UAG is a stop codon
RNA rnaSeq = RNA(seq: 'CGGUAGACU'); 



Therefore, If you use the aaSeq key's value to create a new Peptide instance, and then execute the freq() method, the "X" character will be taken into account as part of the calculation:

// Create a Peptide instance using the RNA instance translation product.
Peptide pepSeq = Peptide(seq: rnaSeq.translate()['aaSeq']!);



However, if you do not want the "X" character to be taken into account as part of the calculation, pass true to the ignoreStopAA parameter of the freq() method:

pepSeq.freq(ignoreStopAA: true);


Modified Sequence Length #

In addition to being able to return the length of a DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance's sequence by using the len getter:

DNA dnaSeq = DNA(seq: 'ATGCGAT');

// 7 

You can also return the length of the sequence minus a particular monomer by using the lenMinus() method, and passing the monomer you'd like to discount:

dnaSeq.lenMinus(monomer: 'A');
// 5

Generate Combinations #

Return all possible combinations of a DNA, RNA, or Peptide instance's sequence using the combinations() method:

Peptide pepSeq = Peptide(seq: 'MSTC');

// [M, MS, MST, MSTC, S, ST, STC, T, TC]

Sort the combinations by setting sorted to true:

pepSeq.combinations(sorted: true);
// [MSTC, MST, STC, MS, ST, TC, M, S, T]

Codon Frequency #

Return the frequency of a codon in a DNA or RNA instance's sequence using the codonFreq() method, passing the codon of interest to the codon parameter:


rnaSeq.codonFreq(codon: 'AUG');
// 3 

Be aware that codonFreq() scans the sequence in batches of three nucleotides per step, starting with the first three nucleotides in the sequence. Therefore, the exact codon must be present in a batch in order to be detected.

Complementary Strand #

Return the complementary strand to a DNA or RNA instance sequence's with the complementary() method:

DNA dnaSeq = DNA(seq: 'AAACCCGGT');


To return the reverse complementary strand, pass true to the rev parameter:

dnaSeq.complementary(rev: true);

Guanine & Cytosine Content #

Return the percentage of Guanine and Cytosine content in a DNA or RNA instance's sequence with the gcContent() method:

DNA dnaSeq = DNA(seq: 'TCCCTACGCCG');

// 72.73

Translation #

Return the amino acid translation product from a DNA or RNA instance's sequence, using the translate() method:




Return the reverse complementary translation strand by passing true to the rev parameter:

rnaSeq.translate(rev: true); 


Modify the index in which translation starts by passing the desired start index to the startIdx parameter:

rnaSeq.translate(startIdx: 2);


Generate Proteins #

Return proteins from open reading frames present in a DNA or RNA instance sequence's with the proteins() method:



Return only unique proteins by passing true to the unique parameter:

dnaSeq.proteins(unique: true);

Transcription #

Return the RNA transcription product from a DNA instance's sequence using the transcribe() method:

DNA dnaSeq = DNA(seq: 'TACGTAA');


Change where transcription starts from by passing the desired start index to the startIdx parameter:

dnaSeq.transcribe(startIdx: 3); 

Restriction Sites #

Return restriction sites in a DNA instance's sequence with the restrictionSites() method:




Pass values to the minSiteLen and maxSiteLen parameters to change the restriction site search length.

Transition/Transversion Ratio #

Return the transition/transversion ratio between two DNA instance sequences with the tranRatio() method:

DNA dnaSeq1 = DNA(seq: 'GACTGGTGGAAGT');

DNA dnaSeq2 = DNA(seq: 'TTATCGGCTGAAT');

dnaSeq1.tranRatio(oSeq: dnaSeq2); 
// 0.29

Note that if the number of transversions is equal to 0, the method returns -1, as division by 0 is undefined and leads to a result of inf.

Double Helix Geometric Length #

Return the geometric length (nm) of a double helix formed by a DNA instance's sequence using the dHelixGeoLen() method:

DNA dnaSeq = DNA(seq: 'ATGCATGC');

// 2.72

Double Helix Turns #

Return the number of turns in a double helix formed by a DNA instance's sequence using the dHelixTurns() method:


// 1.6 

Reverse Transcription #

Return the reverse transcription product from an RNA instance's sequence using the revTranscribe() method:

RNA rnaSeq = RNA(seq: 'AUGCUAGU');


Monoisotopic Mass #

Return the Monoisotopic mass (Da) of a Peptide instance's sequence using the monoMass() method:

Peptide pepSeq = Peptide(seq: 'MSTGARVD');

// 817.38

Modify the number of decimal places by passing a the desired number of decimals to the decimals parameter:

pepSeq.monoMass(decimals: 1);
// 817.4

Return the Monoisotopic mass in kDa by passing true to the kDa parameter:

pepSeq.monoMass(kDa: true);
// 0.82
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