build_runner_core 1.0.2 copy "build_runner_core: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
build_runner_core: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard


Core tools to write binaries that run builders.

1.0.2 #

  • Support the latest package:json_annotation.

1.0.1 #

  • Update package:build version constraint to >1.0.0 <1.0.1.

1.0.0 #

Breaking Changes #

  • The performance tracking apis have changed significantly, and performance tracking now uses the timing package.
  • The BuildOptions static factory now takes a LogSubscription instead of a BuildEnvironment. Logging should be start as early as possible to catch logs emitted during setup.

New Features #

  • Use the timing package for performance tracking.
  • Added support for BuildStep.trackStage to track performance of custom build stages within your builder.

Bug Fixes #

  • Fixed a node invalidation issue when fixing build errors that could cause a situation which was only resolvable with a full rebuild.

0.3.1+5 #

  • Fixed an issue where builders that didn't read their primary input would get invalidated on fresh builds when they shouldn't.

0.3.1+4 #

  • Removed the constraint on reading files that output to cache from files that output to source.

0.3.1+3 #

  • Bug Fix: Don't output a packages symlink within the packages directory.

0.3.1+2 #

  • Restore new keyword for a working release on Dart 1 VM.
  • Bug Fix: Don't include any non-lib assets from dependencies in the build, even if they are a source in a target.

0.3.1+1 #

  • Bug Fix: Don't include any non-lib assets from dependencies in the build, even if they are a source in a target.
  • Release broken on Dart 1 VM.

0.3.1 #

  • Migrated glob tracking to a specialized node type to fix dart-lang/build#1702.

0.3.0 #

Breaking Changes #

  • Implementations of BuildEnvironment must now implement the finalizeBuild method. There is a default implementation if you extend BuildEnvironment that is a no-op.
    • This method is invoked at the end of the build that allows you to do arbitrary additional work, such as creating merged output directories.
  • The assumeTty argument on IOEnvironment has moved to a named argument since null is an accepted value.
  • The outputMap field on BuildOptions has moved to the IOEnvironment class.

New Features/Updates #

  • Added a outputSymlinksOnly option to IOEnvironment constructor, that causes the merged output directories to contain only symlinks, which is much faster than copying files.
  • Added the FinalizedAssetView class which provides a list of all available assets to the BuildEnvironment during the build finalization phase.
    • outputMap has moved from BuildOptions to this constructor, as a named argument.
  • The OverridableEnvironment now supports overriding the new finalizeBuild api.
  • The number of concurrent actions per phase is now limited (currently to 16), which should help with memory and cpu usage for large builds.

0.2.2+2 #

  • Support package:json_annotation v1.

0.2.2+1 #

  • Tag errors from cached actions when they are printed.

0.2.2 #

  • Changed the default file caching logic to use an LRU cache.

0.2.1+2 #

  • Clarify wording for conflicting output directory options. No behavioral differences.
  • Reduce the memory consumption required to create an output dir significantly.
  • Increased the upper bound for the sdk to <3.0.0.

0.2.1+1 #

  • Allow reuse cache between machines with different OS

0.2.1 #

  • The hash dir for the asset graph under .dart_tool/build is now based on a relative path to the build script instead of the absolute path.
    • This enables .dart_tool/build directories to be reused across different computers and directories for the same project.

0.2.0 #

New Features #

  • The BuildPerformance class is now serializable, it has a fromJson constructor and a toJson instance method.
  • Added BuildOptions.logPerformanceDir, performance logs will be continuously written to that directory if provided.
  • Added support for global_options in build.yaml of the root package.
  • Allow overriding the default Resolvers implementation.
  • Allows building with symlinked files. Note that changes to the linked files will not trigger rebuilds in watch or serve mode.

Breaking changes #

  • BuildPhasePerformance.action has been replaced with BuildPhasePerformance.builderKeys.
  • BuilderActionPerformance.builder has been replaced with BuilderActionPerformance.builderKey.
  • BuildResult no longer has an exception or stackTrace field.
  • Dropped failOnSevere arguments. Severe logs are always considered failing.

Internal changes #

  • Remove dependency on package:cli_util.

0.1.0 #

Initial release, migrating the core functionality of package:build_runner to this package.