carp_mobile_sensing 0.5.1 copy "carp_mobile_sensing: ^0.5.1" to clipboard
carp_mobile_sensing: ^0.5.1 copied to clipboard


Mobile Sensing Framework for Flutter. A software framework for collecting sensor data from the phone and attached wearable devices via probes. Can be extended.

CARP Mobile Sensing Framework in Flutter #

This library contains the software architecture for the CARP sensing framework implemented in Flutter. Supports cross-platform (iOS and Android) sensing.

pub package

For Flutter plugins for other CARP products, see CARP Mobile Sensing in Flutter.

Usage #

To use this plugin, add carp_mobile_sensing as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Android Integration #

Add the following to your app's manifest.xml file located in android/app/src/main:

<manifest xmlns:android=""

   <!-- The following permissions are used for CARP Mobile Sensing -->
   <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS" tools:ignore="ProtectedPermissions"/>


Note that version 0.5.0 is migrated to AndroidX. This shouldn't result in any functional changes, but it requires any Android apps using this plugin to also migrate if they're using the original support library. See Flutter AndroidX compatibility

iOS Integration #

Add this permission in the Info.plist file located in ios/Runner:


Documentation #

The Dart API doc describes the different libraries and classes.

The wiki contains detailed documentation on the CARP Mobile Sensing Framework, including the domain model, its built-in probes, and how to extend it.

Below is a few simple / minimum examples (a better description is available on the wiki).

Examples #

In the following example, a study is created "by hand", i.e. you specify each task and measure in the study.

// Import package
import 'package:carp_mobile_sensing/carp_mobile_sensing.dart';

some_method() async {
  // Create a study using a File Backend
  Study study = Study("1234", "bardram", name: "bardram study");
  study.dataEndPoint = FileDataEndPoint()
    ..bufferSize = 500 * 1000 = true
    ..encrypt = false;

  // add sensor collection from accelerometer and gyroscope
  // careful - these sensors generate a lot of data!
  study.addTask(Task('Sensor Task')
    ..addMeasure(PeriodicMeasure(MeasureType(NameSpace.CARP, SensorSamplingPackage.ACCELEROMETER),
        frequency: 10 * 1000, // sample every 10 secs)
        duration: 100 // for 100 ms
    ..addMeasure(PeriodicMeasure(MeasureType(NameSpace.CARP, SensorSamplingPackage.GYROSCOPE),
        frequency: 20 * 1000, // sample every 20 secs
        duration: 100 // for 100 ms

  study.addTask(Task('Task collecting a list of all installed apps')
    ..addMeasure(Measure(MeasureType(NameSpace.CARP, AppsSamplingPackage.APPS))));

  // Create a Study Controller that can manage this study, initialize it, and start it.
  StudyController controller = StudyController(study);
  await controller.initialize();

  // listening on all data events from the study;

  // listen on only CARP events => datum.format.namepace == NameSpace.CARP).forEach(print);

  // listening on a specific probe

However, you can se up a study quite simple, by using sampling schemas. Below is an example of this:

 StudyController controller = StudyController(
    samplingSchema: SamplingSchema.common(),

  await controller.initialize();

  // listening on all data events from the study;

There is a very simple example app app which shows how a study can be created with different tasks and measures. This app just prints the sensing data to a console screen on the phone.

However, the CARP Mobile Sensing App provides a MUCH better example of how to use the package in a Flutter BLoC architecture, including good documentation of how to do this.

Features and bugs #

Please read about existing issues and file new feature requests and bug reports at the issue tracker.

License #

This software is copyright (c) 2018 Copenhagen Center for Health Technology (CACHET) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). This software is made available 'as-is' in a MIT license.

pub points



Mobile Sensing Framework for Flutter. A software framework for collecting sensor data from the phone and attached wearable devices via probes. Can be extended.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


app_usage, archive, async, battery, connectivity, device_apps, device_info, flutter, flutter_blue, json_annotation, light, path_provider, pedometer, screen_state, sensors, stats, system_info, uuid


Packages that depend on carp_mobile_sensing